We can disable Win11 automatic updates by setting, group policy, and registry By setting Open settings. Click Windows Update. Use the "Pause Updates" setting and select the number of weeks (up to 5 weeks) to disable Windows 11 automatic updates. By modifying the group policy Open "Start"...
Also after looking into this further I believe that “windows update medic service” is triggering “windows update”. I tried to stop the medic service but it doesn’t let me disable it saying access is denied.
Click on the "Apply" button and then click on "OK" to save the changes. This should permanently disable the service and prevent it from starting up again. However, please note that disabling certain services can cause issues with your system, so it's important to only disable services th...
Hello, I want to stop windows updates for good. I have tried several times from Services by stopping it and disabling it but it keeps getting activated. After speaking with customer support they suggested to add this entry in registry andto delete everything in folder: C:\Windows\SoftwareDi...
如何在Win10/11上永久禁用飞行模式 (How to Permanently Disable Airplane Mode on Windows 10) 飞行模式是一项允许您禁用设备上所有无线通信的功能。[1]如果您在飞机上使用笔记本电脑,它可能很有用,但在其他情况下可能会导致问题。虽然您可以在设置中禁用它,但用户可能会意外地重新打开它,或者错误可能会启用它。但...
Also working on Windows 11 What is this project? We all know that disabling windefender is very difficult since microsoft is constantly enforcing changes. The first solution is to install an anti-virus - but thats not the point if we are trying to disable it!
Windows, we had to go through Internet Explorer to configure proxy settings. While changing settings through IE still works in Windows 10, there is now a more straightforward way to do this through the Settings app, especially for Windows 11. Follow the steps below to disable the proxy ...
Describe what you noticed and did To run the program either add "--disable-gpu" to the command-line or enable the "force usage of custom dummy Manifest files" option. Run Signal Desktop on Win11 and re-enable the network adapter or conne...
An upcoming update to Windows 11 will remove WordPad and prevent users from reinstalling it. Windows keeps getting more annoying, because Microsoft thinks you have no choice In today's world, user choice should be at the forefront of every business decision. For desktop users, switching to a...
This all started the first week of April so I am assuming that this was due to a Windows Update. It was quite frustrating and cost me $100 to have Dell figure it out. I finally had to disable the Killer Intelligence Center in 'Services' to keep it from changing the setting every ...