pause - 用法:保存为.bat文件,右键以管理员身份运行。 2. PowerShell脚本(永久禁用) 禁用Windows Update服务 Set-Service -Name "wuauserv" -StartupType Disabled Stop-Service -Name "wuauserv" 禁用自动更新计划任务 Get-ScheduledTask -TaskPath "\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\" | Disable-ScheduledTask - ...
添加或修改键值:在该路径下,创建或修改相应的键值,用以禁用自动更新,可以添加一个名为WindowsUpdate的项,并在其中创建一个DWORD值,命名为“DoNotConnectToWindowsUpdate”,将其数据设为“1”。 5、利用第三方软件控制更新 选择可靠的第三方软件:网上有许多工具可以帮助用户更好地控制Windows更新,如Disable Windows Up...
@schtasks /query /tn "\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\Scheduled Start" >> logs_关闭更新_%todate%.txt @echo. >> logs_关闭更新_%todate%.txt @echo. >> logs_关闭更新_%todate%.txt @schtasks /change /tn "\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\Scheduled Start" /disable >> logs_关闭更新_%todate...
I personally like to keep all my devices up-to-date andactivate Windows 11to enjoy the newest features of Windows 11. But Windows updates could be useless sometimes. Keep an eye on what you are downloading and installing on your PC. If you want to disable the automatic update, you can t...
If you want to reenable the Windows Update service, just change the Startup type to Automatic. #2 How to Permanently Disable System Automatic Updates in Group Policy? In general, you can make use of Windows Group Policy Editor to turn off Win 11 automatic updates permanently. Search “edit...
2. Use Services Manager to Disable Update Service 您还可以通过服务管理器来关闭Windows更新服务: 按下Win + R键,输入services.msc,然后按回车。 在服务列表中,找到“Windows Update”服务。 右键点击该服务,选择“属性”。 在“启动类型”下拉菜单中,选择“禁用”。
如果遇到Windows 11强制升级的情况,可以尝试通过以下方法来解决:,,1. **禁用Windows Update**:打开“设置” > “更新和安全” > “Windows Update”,然后点击“高级选项”,在“暂停更新”中选择暂停一段时间。,,2. **使用组策略编辑器**:按Win + R键,输入gpedit.msc,回车。在左侧导航栏中依次展开“计算机...
Windows Update Blocker is a freeware that helps you to completely disable or enable Automatic Updates on your Windows system , with just a click of the button . This utility is portable, which means that you are no longer required to go through the installation process and no leftovers will ...
reg add "HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU" /v NoAutoUpdate /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f @rem 删除更新时下载用的文件夹 erase /f /s /q c:\windows\softwaredistribution\*.* && rmdir /s /q c:\windows\softwaredistribution @rem 关闭更新相关的定时任务 powershell -command "...
Windows Update Blocker is a freeware that helps you to completely disable or enable Automatic Updates on your Windows system , with just a click of the button . This utility is portable, which means that you are no longer required to go through the installation process and no leftovers will ...