Chapter 12. Performance Tuning In this chapter, you will learn How to tune your database How to analyze and improve SQL access plans Performance tuning tips for each of the … - Selection from DB2® SQL PL: Essential Guide for DB2® UDB on Linux™
Any program that spends a lot of time doing PL/SQL processing, as opposed to issuing DDL statements likeCREATE TABLEthat are just passed directly to SQL. You will want to investigate native compilation. Because many built-in database features use PL/SQL, you can apply this tuning feature to...
As Figure E-1 shows, if your application is database-intensive, you can use control structures to group SQL statements in a PL/SQL block, then send the entire block to Oracle. This can drastically reduce communication between your application and Oracle. Also, you can use PL/SQL subprograms...
15. SQL Performance Tuning recommends when cretin data are used frequently, it is a good idea to store them into intermediate tables. 16. SQL Performance Tuning OR vs. IN. Our tests showed that using IN in WHERE condition is a little faster then using OR. Example: --Do not use: SELECT...
Oracle ACE authors with decades of experience building complex production systems for government, industry, and educational organizations present a hands-on approach to enabling optimal results from PL/SQL. Real-world examples and...Rosenblum Michael...
Spark SQL 之 Performance Tuning & Distributed SQL Engine 转载请注明出处: 缓存数据至内存(Caching Data In Memory) Spark SQL可以通过调用sqlContext.cacheTable("tableName") 或者dataFrame.cache(),将表用一种柱状格式( an inmemory columnar format)缓存至内存中。然后Spa...
SQL Server Articles SQL Server Database Performance Tuning You’re a developer, DBA, or sysadmin stuck with long running queries in SQL Server, and you need to do SQL Server performance tuning. I can help! I’m a consultant, and I do this for a living. I don’t keep anything secret ...
1. Start SQL Server Management Studio and connect to SQL Server. 2. In the query window, type and execute the following T-SQL script to create a new trace through system stored procedures: DECLARE@ReturnCodeINTDECLARE@TraceIDINTDECLARE@OptionsINT=2DECLARE@TraceFileNVARCHAR(245)='C:\MyTraces\...
Oracle Performance Tuning —— 我的学习理解过程 1. Gathering Database Statistics Using the Automatic Workload Repository Gathering database statistics using the AWR is enabled by default and is controlled by theSTATISTICS_LEVELinitialization parameter. TheSTATISTICS_LEVELparameter should be set toTYPICALor...