SQLite is an embedded SQL database. It’s extremely easy to setup, buildable as a single C file with libraries existing for basically all common programming languages. It doesn’t need any server setup or configuration since the SQL logic is run in the host process, and the database consis...
SQL Server Articles SQL Server Database Performance Tuning You’re a developer, DBA, or sysadmin stuck with long running queries in SQL Server, and you need to do SQL Server performance tuning. I can help! I’m a consultant, and I do this for a living. I don’t keep anything secret ...
该大小 并不能非常严格控制 Binlog 大小,尤其是当到达 Binlog 比较靠近尾部而又遇到一个较大事务的时候,系 统为了保证事务的完整性,不可能做切换日志的动作,只能将该事务的所有 SQL 都记录进入当前日志, 直到该事务结束。这一点和 Oracle 的 Redo 日志有点不一样,因为 Oracle 的 Redo 日志所记录的是数据文 ...
Many new SQL performance tuning features are added to SQL Server in each new version. In some cases, these features might boost our query performance dramatically. For this reason, it will always be useful for us to be informed about these new features. Such as the following features are ver...
In this lesson we'll cover: The theory behind query run time Reducing table size EXPLAIN What is SQL Performance Tuning? SQL tuning is the process of improving SQL queries to accelerate your servers performance. It's general purpose is to reduce the amount of time it takes a user to receiv...
1. SQL Performance Tuning team recommends using COUNT(1) instead COUNT(*) for SQL query performance optimization. Example: --Do not use: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM master; --Use: SELECT COUNT(1) FROM master; 2. Never compare NULL with NULL. Consider that NULL is not like an empty string or...
SQL Performance Tuning 有 些程序员在撰写数据库应用程序时,常专注于 OOP 及各种 framework 的使用,却忽略了基本的 SQL 语句及其「性能 (performance) 优化」问题。版工曾听过台湾某半导体大厂的新进程序员,所组出来的一段 PL/SQL 跑了好几分钟还跑不完;想当然尔,即使他的 AJAX 及 ooxx 框架用得再漂亮,...
Many new SQL performance tuning features are added to SQL Server in each new version. In some cases, these features might boost our query performance dramatically. For this reason, it will always be useful for us to be informed about these new features. Such as the following features are ver...
In this webcast, we will take a look at various tips and tricks to assist you with performance tuning your SQL Server databases. Knowing how to find and resolve problems is key to improving performance, so join us to learn how to optimize your systems. About the Speaker: Tim Smith began ...
SQL Server性能优化(1) – Performance - Tuning Query Analyzer Execution plan.