PerformanceTest是一款简单易用的电脑硬件性能测试软件,PerformanceTest可以帮助用户分析显卡、内存、主板性能,方便后期使用电脑执行超频工作,可以对本地的硬件分析,可以在软件选择CPU、2D图形、3D图形、内存、磁盘、执行脚本等测试方式分析硬件。 软件功能 1、轻松进行PC基准测试 -将PC的性能与世界各地的同类计算机进行比较...
PerformanceTest是一款简单易用的电脑硬件性能测试软件,PerformanceTest可以帮助用户分析显卡、内存、主板性能,方便后期使用电脑执行超频工作,可以对本地的硬件分析,可以在软件选择CPU、2D图形、3D图形、内存、磁盘、执行脚本等测试方式分析硬件。 PerformanceTest电脑版软件特色 ...
PassMark PerformanceTest allows you to benchmark and compare your PC performance with over a million computers worldwide. Find out if your device is performing at its best. Measure the effect of configuration changes and hardware upgrades. Standard Test
NoteWhen you run the NDIS Performance Test, the CETK temporarily copies files to the root directory of the Windows CE–based device. While the test runs, the test dynamically consumes program memory on the target device. Before running the test, verify that there is at least 0.4 megabytes (...
Download PerformanceTest latest version for Windows free to try. PerformanceTest latest update: September 21, 2018
After running the test, PerformanceTest provides you with an overall “PassMark Rating” that has been a standard for quantifying PC performance since 1998. Use the Advanced Tests to create your own benchmark scenarios. This allows you to pinpoint and quantify the actual performance differences fr...
After running the test, PerformanceTest provides you with an overall “PassMark Rating” that has been a standard for quantifying PC performance since 1998. Use the Advanced Tests to create your own benchmark scenarios. This allows you to pinpoint and quantify the actual performance differences fr...
Supported operating systems for Windows Logo testing: Windows Vista Windows 7 Requirements Software Requirements Software components included with the device that is being tested. The test tool runs on the following Windows operating systems: Windows Vista ...
环境:Windows11,Windows10,Windows8,Windows7 9 0%0% 详情介绍 PassMark PerformanceTest是一款简单好用且功能强大的PC硬件测试跑分软件,由PassMark公司专为广大PC用户和游戏玩家量身打造而成。该软件界面简洁美观,操作使用方便,通过这款软件你可以随时了解你的PC和组件是否是最佳的状态,可得到最新的实时交互式图表来...
此测试(作为PerformanceTest的一部分),可以测量从CD或DVD驱动器读取数据的速度。在Windows 2000,XP和2003 Server上,也可以测量对CD-R和CD-RW的写入速度。从PT 7.0开始,Vista和Windows 7使用不同的写入方法。CD驱动器可以从CD ROM读取数据的速率大约有很多因素。首先,也是最重要的是制造驱动器的速度。较早的驱动器...