环境:Windows11,Windows10,Windows8,Windows7 9 0%0% 详情介绍 PassMark PerformanceTest是一款简单好用且功能强大的PC硬件测试跑分软件,由PassMark公司专为广大PC用户和游戏玩家量身打造而成。该软件界面简洁美观,操作使用方便,通过这款软件你可以随时了解你的PC和组件是否是最佳的状态,可得到最新的实时交互式图表来...
The next step I would recommend is to run Hardware scans to see if some hardware failure is causing the system to crash. First, check your RAM, follow our thread that will explain to you the processAdvanced Memory Diagnostic on Windows with Memtest86+then run a Hard Drive Diagnostic. Each...
Separate tests for DirectX 9,10,11 & 12. Supports 4K resolution.Read more Measure the network speed between any two computers using TCP/IP. The network speed test can be conducted across a company LAN or across the Internet to determine the point to point throughput. ...
Hello, I'm using Windows Hardware Lab Kit for Windows 11 24H2 through HLK, and the device under test doesn't pass the test "USB Selective Suspend Test (XHCI)" with this error: USB device USB\VID_XXXX&PID_XXXX\XXXX with service XXX did not… ...
Hello, I'm using Windows Hardware Lab Kit for Windows 11 24H2 through HLK, and the device under test doesn't pass the test "USB Selective Suspend Test (XHCI)" with this error: USB device USB\VID_XXXX&PID_XXXX\XXXX with service XXX did not… ...
How to Run SSD Performance Test (Step-by-Step Guides) It's necessary to check SSD performance regularly. In this part, we will introduce two different methods. Check the following table for a quick comparison of the two methods based on the following aspects....
Windows Performance Toolkit(2024 年 5 月)提供以下功能。 若要了解更多信息,请参阅Windows Performance Toolkit v11 中的新增功能。 Windows Performance Analyzer 插件通过向可在 WPA 中分析的结构化表格数据中添加对进程和新型文件格式的支持,增强了 WPA 的功能。 虽然以前版本的 WPA 支持通过通过命令行参数指定要...
I am using "wpaexporter.exe -i filename.etl -profile testProfile.wpaProfile -outputfolder extract -symbols -tti" to export wpa etl files, but only CPU_Usage_(Sampled)_Utilization_by_Process,_Stack.csv is exported. After searching in google, I… Windows Performance Toolkit Windows Performance...
ADTest.exe is an Active Directory load-generation tool that simulates client transactions on a host server to assess the performance of the Microsoft® Active Directory™ within Microsoft® Windows® Server 2003 and Microsoft® Active Directory Application Mode™. ...