Kate Lister_ An honest history of an ancient and _nasty_ word 19:12 Karen L. Cox_ Debunking the myth of the Lost Cause_ A lie embedded in American h 04:29 Kalika Bali_ The giant leaps in language technology -- and who's left behind 16:22 Justin Schmidt_ The world's most pai...
Recent debates over American liberalism have largely ignored one way of understanding democratic purposes that was widely influential for much of American history. This normative conception of democracy was inspired by philosophical ideas found in people such as John Stuart Mill and G. W. F. Hegel ...
Bulimia nervosa with history of anorexia nervosa: could the clinical subtype of anorexia have implications for clinical status and treatment response? Objective:To investigate whether the subtype of anorexia nervosa (AN) could influence the bulimic syndrome and treatment response in bulimia nervosa (BN)...
Perfectionism and the Impostor Phenomenon (IP) have mainly been studied in American samples, as have the associations of Perfectionism and the Impostor Phenomenon with Self-Esteem and the Big Five personality traits. However, previous studies showed that results might depend on cultural background. ...
A number of factors have been linked to the onset of orthorexia and its aetiology. In the aforementioned consensus work this included a history of other feeding and eating disorders or mental disorders, psychosomatic problems, depressive symptoms, anxiety, and emotional dysregulation [7]. Lifestyle ...
Photo by the National Museum of American History Smithsonian Institute We have such strange ideas about failure and success. I meet people again and again who assume that, having failed at something once, it makes sense to automatically give up and not try again. They wonder at the fact that...
Perfectionism in Contemporary Ethics Perfectionism has had a strong influence throughout the history of ethics. From Plato, Aristotle, the Stoics, and Aquinas to Hegel, Marx, and Nietzsche, various conceptions of the good life, as defined by human nature, have been a central part of normative ...
TRANSCENDENTALISM in literatureLITERARY theoryEMERSON, Ralph Waldo, 1803-1882This essay attempts to present a new interpretation of American philosopher Stanley Cavell's perfectionism. Against most readings, it argues that Cavell's work is fundamentally "transcendental" in logic, seek...
There are wars and defeats and victories of the human race that are not military and that are not recorded in the annals of history. Remember that while you are trying to decide what to do (36). It is clear that Sloane speaks from personal experience as he is soon destroyed by the ...
Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press, 293–321. Heimberg, R. G. (1996). Social phobia, avoidant personality disorder and the multiaxial conceptualization of interpersonal anxiety. In P. M. Salkovskis (Ed.), Trends in cognitive and behavioural therapies (pp. 43–61). Chichester: Wiley....