下面是整个问题的完整代码: defis_perfect_number(num):ifsum_of_factors(num)==num:returnTrueelse:returnFalsedefsum_of_factors(num):sum=0foriinrange(1,num):ifnum%i==0:sum+=ireturnsumfornuminrange(1,1001):ifis_perfect_number(num):print(num) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ...
好的,以下是根据你的要求和提示,对如何定义一个寻找完美数的Python函数的详细解答: 定义函数perfect_number: 函数perfect_number接收一个参数limit,其默认值为1000。完美数是指一个数恰好等于它的所有正的真因子(即除了自身以外的约数)之和。 创建空列表用于存储完美数: 在函数内部,我们需要一个空列表来存储所有...
When the number is perfect, it outputs on the terminal‘The given number is perfect’;otherwise, it outputs‘The given number is not perfect number’. Perfect Number in Python using Function In the above section, you learned to create a perfect number program in Python using the loop. I wi...
/usr/bin/env python# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-classSolution(object):defcheckPerfectNumber(self,num):""" :type num: int :rtype: bool """sum=0foriinxrange(1,num):if(num%i==0):sum+=iif(sum==num):returnTrueelse:returnFalsedefcheckPerfectNumber2(self,num):total,i=1,2whilei*i<num...
Python Code:# Define a function named 'perfect_number' that checks if a number 'n' is a perfect number def perfect_number(n): # Initialize a variable 'sum' to store the sum of factors of 'n' sum = 0 # Iterate through numbers from 1 to 'n-1' using 'x' as the iterator for x...
Code Issues Pull requests A function for encoding unique ordered sets of natural numbers into a single unique natural number. algorithm mathematical-functions perfect-hash cantor pairing-functions minimal-perfect-hash szudzik perfect-hash-functions Updated Aug 1, 2022 andre...
This PR fixes a bug in perfect_power which was handling negative integers with odd powers incorrectly. What it did was: It would first find perfect power of the positive number(converting the nega...
Python语言和Golang语言学习交流 QQ群: 812869016 博主QQ:124111294 博客园 首页 新随笔 联系 订阅 管理 Django项目:CRM(客户关系管理系统)--81--71PerfectCRM实现CRM项目首页 1 {#portal.html#} 2 {## ———46PerfectCRM实现登陆后页面才能访问———#} 3 {#{% extends 'king_admin/table_index.html...
https://leetcode.com/problems/perfect-squares/discuss/71475/Short-Python-solution-using-BFSGiven a positive integer n, find the least number of perfect square numbers (forexample, 1, 4, 9, 16, ...) which sum to n. Example1: Input: n= 12Output:3Explanation:12 = 4 + 4 + 4. ...
[leetcode] 9. Palindrome Number _ Algorithm Problem Solve for python 1. Problem 9. Palindrome Number Given an integer x, return true if x is a palindrome, and false otherwise. Example 1: Input: x = 121 Output: true Explanation: 121 reads as 121 from left to right and from right to ...