We discuss the sharp phase transition for face percolation and derive comparison results between the critical intensities for face and cycle percolation. Finally, we consider an alternate version of simplex percolation, by declaring simplices to be neighbors whenever they are sufficiently close to each...
The real topology where we test the feature-enriched percolation is the C. elegans interactome constructed considering the interolog interactions59. The results are shown in Fig. 6c, where we find a good agreement between theory and simulations as well....
The Lightning Network is a so-called second-layer technology built on top of the Bitcoin blockchain to provide “off-chain” fast payment channels between users, which means that not all transactions are settled and stored on the main blockchain. In this
The results also show that breakage of the closed space at the dilatant boundary will cause the multiscale behavior, with a sudden increase in volumetric strain and permeability. The coupled strain-permeability of orthogonal experiments on confining pressure and gas pressure was investigated. The ...
4. Results and Discussion 4.1. Prediction of the Percolation Threshold in DC Regime The PLA is a semi-crystalline polymer; the evolution of crystallinity could influence the electrical conductivity since the amorphous phase and the repartition of crystalline structures could play an important role in...
For example, Filippone et al. [45] found that PA6/PP/clay systems, in which the clay is selectively localised in the PA6 minor phase, exhibited a co-continuous microstructure. To explain their results, they proposed a gelation mechanism, where the PA6 chains coat the organoclay network. Li ...
The silicone resin DC-840 is a good example to measure complex permittivity. Figure 4a,b shows that the resonant frequency and the quality factor change with the volume fraction. The circles denote the experimental results, and the triangles represent the simulation using HFSS. The figures can ...
Based on the obtained test results from this initial study, the developed material appears to be potentially suitable for applications for stress sensors and smart concrete structures. Furthermore, the measured piezoresistive response should also be sufficient to determine other changes, including, for ...
3. Results and Discussion 3.1. Percolation Behavior First, the percolation behavior of the simulated microstructures was analyzed and compared to similar work in the literature. In order to do that, Monte Carlo simulations were performed for different set of parameters. The percolation probability was...
Using the extrapolation results, values of critical parameters can be obtained. According to the analysis of analytical conductivity models for different structures (for example, see [16–19]), cluster distribution by size is subject to the power law: the number n(s) of clusters containing s ...