Percolation stability (PS) measured in a simple laboratory test with air-dried 1 to 2-mm aggregates correlates closely with surface roughness, decay and erosion. The processes involved in this test and the influence of soil properties on PS were studied. Air entrapment was the major cause of ...
The result shows consistent and physically reasonable data over entire strain range. We believe that analysis of the previous researches can be also improved if they consider strain dependency of Poisson's ratio in large deformation with nonlinear elasticity. Therefore, for highly stretchable con- ...
The ordered distribution of the filler is a result of the composite preparation procedure. The mixture of PLA and CNT powders creates a structure where big particles of PLA appear to be covered by carbon nanotubes, so that the conductive phase of CNTs is on the surface of the polymer ...
Each test specimen was tested at a voltage of 5 V by using a direct current (DC) power supply (Topward, TPS-4000). The voltage was measured between the two internal copper electrodes using a digital multimeter (HM 8011, HAMEG Instruments, Mainhausen, Germany) and the current flow was ...