The Impact of Regulatory Focus and Communication Strategy on Purchase Intention:The Mediating Effect of Perceived Value The traditional view states that tourists' purchase decisions depend on a comparison of the benefits and costs of a decision; namely, a good decision yields a high level of benefit...
perceive— 感觉到 · 察觉 · 觉察 · 明察 a safe— 保险柜 · 铁箱 safe形— 安形 · 安全形 · 安全的形 · 保险形 · 可靠的形 · 平安的形 · 泰形 · 有把握的形 · 金柜形 · 不会受损的形 · 万无一失的形 · 稳贴形
PredictorsStandardized Estimatet ScoreP Value Model 1: Emotional Exhaustion, R2=0.41 Age −0.027 −0.615 .539 Gender 0.034 0.822 .411 Year in medical school −0.011 −0.252 .801 Perceived stress 0.513 11.263 <.001 Sleep quality 0.157 3.458 .001 Smartphone addiction sc...
To identify the spatial distribution patterns, the Anselin Local Moran's I (Cluster and Outlier Analysis) and the Getis-Ord Gi* (Hot Spot Analysis) were calculated. For all the indicators, the p-value obtained was less than 0.01. It was therefore possible to reject the null hypothesis: the...
The impact of both diets on microbiota composition and function was assessed by whole genome sequencing. Neither microbial α- (Chao 1, Simpson, Shannon) nor β-diversity was impacted by the intervention (data not shown). However, general linear mixed models with Storey’sqvalue post hoc correct...
The Cohen’s d effect size (ES), for the two paired samples (T0, T1), was estimated dividing the t value of the paired t-test by the square root of the number of pairs. Effects sizes show the magnitude of differences observed [19]....
the Glycemic Index Foundation, oversees of a glycemic index testing service at the University of Sydney and is a co-author of books about diet and diabetes. During this project SP was the Fonterra Chair in Human Nutrition and Principle Investigator for NZ National Science Challenge High Value Nu...
47.7% of adolescents had difficult and very difficult complexity grades. This value was lower than those reported in the studies by Maurya et al. [56] and Öğütlü et al. [57] conducted on Indian and Turkish late adolescent patients, whereas the value was higher than those reported in...
and self-efficacy. Linearity was assessed using partial regression plots and a plot of student residuals against predicted values. Independence of the residuals was assessed with a Durbin–Watson value of 1.922. Homoscedasticity was assessed by visual inspection of a plot of student-specific residuals...
Teachers acknowledged the value of online uses for education. However, it was also experienced as partially disruptive due to difficulty to monitor how devices were used and the lack of boundaries between access for educational purposes or for recreation, in line with parental views for learning in...