Penegakan Hukum Pidana Terhadap Pelanggaran Kewajiban Karantina Bagi Pelaku Perjalanan Internasionaldoi:10.20473/jd.v5i5.38550At the beginning of 2020 the world was shocked by the outbreak of a new virus, namely the new type of Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2) and the disease was called ...
Peran Kepolisian Dalam Penegakan Hukum Terhadap Kebebasan Beragama Dari Perspektif Undang-Undang Nomor 2 Tahun 2002 Tentang Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia The results of this study are: In the context of freedom of belief, religion and worship in Indonesia, the police also have a responsibilit...
ION Heriansyah, Fakultashukum, University 17 August 1945, Samarinda Kalimantan East. Evaluation Evaluation Punish Role On Duty Management Of Market In Imp... H Heriansyah 被引量: 0发表: 2014年 PERAN PEMERINTAH KABUPATEN KEPULAUAN ANAMBAS DALAMPENEGAKAN DISIPLIN TERHADAP PEGAWAI NEGERI SIPIL DAERA...
Meskipun gugatan cerai dikecualikan dari masa tunggu, kaum perempuan melihat kebijakan tersebut hanya akan mempersulit korban KDRT untuk keluar dari hubungan yang tidak sehat — mengingat lemahnya penegakan hukum terkaitKDRT di Tiongkok. “Akan seperti apa jadinya setelah orang gagal bercerai?” bun...
PERTIMBANGAN PENANGGUHAN PENAHANAN OLEH PENEGAK HUKUMDALAM PROSES PERKARA PIDANA DI WILAYAH HUKUM PENGADILANNEGERI SLEMANThe state of Republic of Indonesia is a legal state based on Pancasila and Constitution of 1945 which highly emphasize human ri...
PERAN KEPOLISIAN DALAM PENEGAKAN HUKUM TERHADAP\\\udPEREDARAN ILEGAL SATWA LIAR YANG DILINDUNGI DI\\\udDAERAH ISTIMEWA YOGYAKARTAworld, including high levels of endemism. Indonesia save many wildlife\\udspecies diversity, but also is one c...
Penegakan Hukum Pidana Terhadap Pelanggaran Kewajiban Karantina Bagi Pelaku Perjalanan Internasional At the beginning of 2020 the world was shocked by the outbreak of a new virus, namely the new type of Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2) and the disease was called Coro... H Fawwaidz - Jurist-Dicti...
Perspektif Sosiologis Atas Hukum (Kajian Terhadap Peran Pranata Sosial Dalam Penegakan Hukum Dan Ketertiban Masyarakat)A social institution is a set of social norms, to which the majority of community members adhere, and which help ... E Purwaningsih - 《Adil Jurnal Hukum》 被引量: 0发表...
Struktur Ekonomi dan Kesempatan Kerja Sektor Pertanian dan Non Pertanian serta Kualitas Sumberdaya Manusia di Indonesia (BONAR M. SINAGA se... IW Ediana,A Nrp. 被引量: 0 BIROKRATISASI PENEGAKAN HAK ASASI MANUSIA PASCA REFORMASI MELALUI PEMBENTUKAN KEMENTERIAN URUSAN HAM DAN PENGUATAN KOMNAS ...
The apparatus of legal upholders owned by Indonesia are unable to eliminate the exploitation to the homeless children economically because the limitations on given facilities to the police to conduct prevention. The government also doesn't provide facilities of children taking care...