Perhaps the most common use of income per capita is to ascertain an area's wealth or lack of wealth. For example, income per capita is one metric theU.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)uses to rank the wealthiest counties in the United States, the other being median household income.6...
aComparison of urban densities, per capita road length and Percentage of private motor vehicle in global cities, 1995 都市密度,人均路私有机动车长度和百分比比较在全球性城市, 1995年[translate]
The Relationship between the Percentage of the Elderly and Per Capita Income in 1990 ^15FC924.2TheRelationshipbetweenthePercentageoftheElderlyandPerCapitaIncomein1990Presently,countrieswithahigherpercapitaincomehaveenter...当代中国人口(英文版)
Do Gross National Income (United States Dollar Per Capita) and Percentage of Female Population Have Effects on CO2 Emission (Metric Ton Per Capita)? A Study on European Union Nations with Focus on Germany Globsyn Management JournalTuhin, Tanjila Akter...
The per capita consumer spending on healthcare in Ethiopia was forecast to continuously increase between 2024 and 2029 by in total six U.S.
For several years, per capita expenditure on prescription drugs in Voronia rose by fifteen percent or more annually. In order to curb these dramatic increases, the ministry of health prohibited drug manufacturers from raising any of their products'
In 2021, the per capita spending on pharmaceuticals amounted to around 227 U.S. dollars in Argentina, up from about 182 U.S. dollars reported a year earlier. Between 2012 and 2021, the annual consumption of pharmaceuticals ranged from 182 U.S. dollars to 244 U.S. dollars in the South ...
($7,146) and more on health care as a percentage of its GPD (15 percent) than any other nation. The United States is the fourth highest level of government health care, spending $3,426 per capita, behind three countries with higher levels of GDP per capita: Monaco, Luxembou[translate]...
10、In the past, every ten-percentage-point increase in cigarette prices in the country of Coponia has decreasedper capitasales of cigarettes by four percent.(过去,科普尼亚的香烟价格每上涨10个百分点,人均香烟销量就会下降4%。) 11、per capitameat consumption would have to be cut.(人均肉类消费量...
El Salvador struggles with high levels of violent crime, reflected in the fact that it has the largest prison population per capita worldwide.