Charles Louis Decrucq, 1822-1884; landlord of the artist in Cuesmes Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (Lewis Carroll), 1832-1898; English writer Charles Paul Gruppe, 1860-1940; American artist, born in Canada Charles Paul Renouard, 1845-1924; French artist Charles Paul de Kock, 1793-1871; French writ...
For hundreds of years printing was difficult and very slow.As more people learned to read, people wanted to find a quicker, better, and less expensive way to print books. One of these people was Johann Gutenberg, who was born in Mainz, Germany, around 1400. ...
Taken from the many quotes in her letters, her motto could have been:“I am not afraid… I was born to do this.” Jeanne also advised the Duke d’Alencon, of his imminent death by cannon; heeding her warning, his life was spared:“Gentle Duke,” she cried, “retire from where you...
Gutenberg, who was born in Mainz, Germany, around 1400. Gutenberg was an intelligent man, and he wasgood at working with metal. His idea was to make ametal stamp for each letter of the alphabet(字母表)and use the letters over and over. He could put the ...
Born in Palermo in 1923, the first of seven children in a “very poor family”, Mr. Paternò began working soon after4(finish) elementary school. It was only after he retired, in the mid-1980s, that he returned to his books. “His story proves that dreams can come true and that you...
One of these people was Johann Gutenberg, who was born in Mainz, Germany, around 1400. Gutenberg was an intelligent man, and he was good at working with metal. His idea was to make a metal stamp for each letter of the alphabet(字母表)and use the letters over and over. He could put...
a在改革开放的实践中,已经涌现了大批的优秀人才。 In the reform and open policy practice, has already emerged large quantities of outstanding talented people's.[translate] a自Lancaster与York 的玫瑰战争 (1455-1485)起,玫瑰即成为英格兰的象征。当时代表Lancaster皇室的是红玫瑰,代表York皇室的是白玫瑰。约克...
As more people learned to read peoplewanted to find a quicker, better and less expensiveway to print books One of these people was Johann- Gutenberg, who was born in Mainz, Germany,around 1400.Gutenberg was an inellgent man, and he wasgood at working with meta. His idea was to make ...
Gutenberg,whowasborninMainz,Germany,around1400. Gutenbergwasanintelligentman,andhewasgoodatworkingwithmetal.Hisideawastomakeametalstampforeachletterofthealphabet(字母表)andusethelettersoverandover.Hecouldputthe stampstogethertomakewordsandarrange(排列)thewordstomakepages.Withinkonthestamps,hecouldpresspaperon...
and was widely admired in the Christian world for his resistance to the Turks, being accorded the titleAthleta Christiby Pope Calixtus III (ruled 1455–1458). Scanderbeg died on 17 January 1468 at Lezha (Alessio), and Albanian resistance collapsed a decade afterward. In 1478, his fortress ...