He was an artist, scientist, and inventor _1_ the Renaissance in Italy.The word "renaissance" comes from Latin 2 means“to be born again". The renaissance was a time when Europe started to _3 its arts and sciences again. It _4from about the 1300s to the 1600s. Born in 1452 , ...
Leonardo da Vinci was born in 1452. 达芬奇生于1452年。 He is famous for his paintings. 他以他的绘画著名。 We can only see 15 of his paintings today. 他的画作现今只有15幅存世了。 The Mona Lisa is one of the most famous paintings in the world. 蒙娜丽莎是他的世界名作之一。 He is als...
His observations and inventions were recorded in 13,000pages of notes and drawings, including designs for flying machines, plant studies, war machinery, anatomy(解剖学)and architecture.D a Vinci was born on 15 April 1452 near the Tuscan town of Vinci, the son of a local lawyer. He learned...
UNIT 3 GREAT PEOPLE LESSON 18 Let’s learn… Da Vinci Da Vinci was a great artist. He was born in 1452 in Italy. He died in 1519. Da Vinci began to learn to paint when he was 14 years old. His most famous painting was the Mona Lisa. People loved the painting. They loved the ...
Mill was born in London, England, in 1806. A famous utilitarian philosopher, he’s best known for his works System of Logic, On Liberty, and Utilitarianism. 16. Leonardo da Vinci: 180-210 Da Vinci was born in 1452 in Anchiano, Italy. He’s best known for his artwork, but he also ...
he was born in 1452 in italy. da vinci was a famous artst. he began to learn painting when he was 14 years old. his most famous painting was mona lisa. people loved the painting. they 12、 loved the smile on the face of mona lisa. they named the smile mona lisa s smile “2. ...
(1)根据Leonardo da Vinci was born in 1452 and spent his childhood in a small town in Italy.(Leonardo da Vinci 出生于1452年,童年生活在意大利的一个小镇上。)可知Leonardo是在意大利的一个小镇上长大的。故答案为:He grew up in a small town in Italy.(2)根据To make money,the young Leonardo ...
LeonardodaVinciwasbornin1452. 达芬奇生于1452年。 Heisfamousforhispaintings. 他以他的绘画著名。 Wecanonlysee15ofhispaintingstoday. 他的画作现今只有15幅存世了。 TheMonaLisaisoneofthemostfamouspaintingsintheworld. 蒙娜丽莎是他的世界名作之一。 Heisalsofamousforhisbrilliantpicturesofthehumanbodyandanimals....
Charles Louis Decrucq, 1822-1884; landlord of the artist in Cuesmes Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (Lewis Carroll), 1832-1898; English writer Charles Paul Gruppe, 1860-1940; American artist, born in Canada Charles Paul Renouard, 1845-1924; French artist Charles Paul de Kock, 1793-1871; French writ...