Pentecost is celebrated 50 days after Easter, marking the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles and other followers of Jesus Christ. It is recognized in various Christian denominations, including Catholicism, as the birth of the Christian Church. In contrast, Catholicism, one of the oldest...
50 Days after Jesus' resurrection (and ten days after His Ascension), the apostles were gathered together, confused, scared, and contemplating their future purpose and mission.On Pentecost, a flame rested upon each apostle (but did not harm them), and they began to speak in tongues (...
单词Pentecost 释义Pentecost n[sing] 1 Jewish harvest festival that takes place fifty days after the second day of the Passover (犹太人的)五旬节(庆祝收获的节日, 为逾越节次日起之50日). 2 (Brit also Whitsunday) (in the Christian Church) seventh Sundayafter Easter, commemorating the descent of ...
Pentecost was originally a Jewish holiday what was held 50 days after Passover as one of the major Jewish feasts.In the Christian tradition, Pentecost is the celebration of the person of the Holy Spirit coming upon the Apostles, Mary, and the first followers of Jesus, who were gathered ...
(also Whitsunday), a major Christian feast day commemorating the mythical descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles, which the church regards as the beginning of the spread of Christianity. The feast occurs 50 days after Easter, usually in late May or early June. The faithful observe Pente...
Shavuot ("weeks") is the second of the threePilgrim Festivals(see alsoPassoverandSukkot). It follows Passover by 50 days and is also known in English asPentecostfrom the Greek word meaning "fiftieth" (like the ChristianPentecost, which comes 50 days afterEaster). It is also called theFeast...
Date Holiday Day Week number Days to go June 8, 2025Pentecost 2025Sunday24118 May 24, 2026Pentecost 2026Sunday22468 May 16, 2027Pentecost 2027Sunday20825 June 4, 2028Pentecost 2028Sunday231210 May 20, 2029Pentecost 2029Sunday211560 June 9, 2030Pentecost 2030Sunday241945 ...
1.RRC(alsoWhitsunBritish EnglishBrE)the seventh Sunday after Easter, when Christians celebrate the appearance of the Holy Spirit to theapostles〔基督教的〕圣灵降临节〔复活节后第七个星期日〕 2.RRJa Jewish religious holiday 50 days after Passover〔犹太教的〕五旬节〔为逾越节后第50日〕 ...
In the Old Testament, the Feast of Weeks, involving firstfruits, was kept 50 days after the Sabbath after Passover.Pentecost portrays this present New Testament Church age in which God is only calling out the "firstfruits" — a comparatively few in number. The vast majority of humans are ...