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But Pentecost is not merely a continuation of what went before; it is also the beginning of a new age. Not only does it fulfill the prophetic expectation of Joel and the other prophets of Israel, but it marks the beginning of a new covenant for the disciples. According to Acts 2 :39,...
Precisely fifty days after the resurrection of Jesus, something extraordinary happened: When the day of Pentecost arrived, [the followers of Jesus] were all together in one place. And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they...
In the new testament, Jesus tells his disciples inMatthew 24:34–“Truly I tell you, this generation will not pass away until all these things have happened”.According to many Bible prophecy preachers (Amir Tsarfati,Billy Crone,Jack Kelley,Jan Markell,Jack Hibbs,JD Farag,John Barnett,Skip ...
of God today follow the Hebrew calendar, nonetheless there are numerous small groups that believe in keeping God's Feasts, yet totally reject the Jewish calendar. They claim that the Jews had no authority to introduce the postponements into God's Calendar. But is that what really happened?
But something happened in that conversion that I did not really comprehend then. I was given a thirst for reading and studying Scripture. If I could have skipped more classes in college to read the Bible, I would have. That thirst, I believe, is a gift from God. I pray for that gift...
This is what happened with the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple in 70 AD. But what about the Wailing and Gnashing of Teeth? Some may object that the description of weeping and gnashing of teeth from Matthew 13:42 indicates that Jesus does indeed have hell in mind. ...
Interestingly, when Peter preached to the people at the temple at Pentecost, he was probably standing on the south stairs, where the water in Ezekiel’s vision flowed! That is a large public gathering place where the worshippers entered the temple, a common site of public teaching. Also on ...
the top of the cave chamber where the Ark of the Covenant was hidden. Shortly after His death (and the rending of the rock) a soldier stuck a spear into Jesus’ side to determine whether He was dead. When that happened the apostle John records that blood and water flowed from His side...
(32:55) What happened between the book of Jonah and Nahum? Was the Nineveh's repentance a fluke? (36:43) What is Jesus talking about in Matthew 12 and the sign of Jonah? (39:35) How does Jonah describe God?s character and how does that compare to how Job describes God?s ...