Penglai Xiaomian is a traditional food originated in Penglai district, Yantai, East China's Shandong province. [Photo/Jiaodong News] Yantai is a tourist destination, a national historical and cultural city, and a city that boasts a gre...
Tasty Yantai: Penglai XiaomianUpdated: May 9, 2023 Print Share - WeChat [Video provided to]Spring is coming to an end and summer is ready to start with the Beginning of Summer. Noodles are perfect dishes on the days of summer since people believe ...
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The chef usually spends an hour every day to boil the soup. Penglai Xiaomian takes major forms in fried sauce (zhajiangmian), gravy (dalumian) and seafood noodles, and it uses fresh fish from the sea, and old hens' eggs to make the rich, thick gravy. Penglai Xiaomian melts in the ...