pEGFP-1 is a promoterless EGFP vector which can be used to monitor transcription from different promoters and promoter/enhancer combinations inserted into the MCS located upstream of the EGFP coding sequence. SV40 polyadenylation signals downstream of the EGFP gene direct proper processing of the 3'...
1) pEGFP-1 Vector pEGFP-12) enhanced green fluorescent protein plasmid(pEGFP) pEGFP 1. Objective:To investigate the factors affecting in vitro transfection efficiency mediated by chitosan(CS) using the enhanced green fluorescent protein plasmid(pEGFP) as reporter gene. 目的:以增强型绿色荧光蛋白...
pEGFP-1 Promoter Reporter Vector pEGFP-N1 Protein Fusion Vector pEGFP-C1 Protein Fusion VectorGcg, T ACcg, C T ATca, G A CCtc, G A TCtc, G A GCtt, A A G
EGFP can be used as an in vivo reporter of gene expression . Promoters should be cloned into the pEGFP-1 MCS upstream from the EGFP coding sequences. Without the addition of a functional promoter, this vector will not express EGFP. The recombinant EGFP vector can be transfected into mammalian...
COMMENT This file is created by Vector NTI COMMENT VNTAUTHORNAME|| FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..4151 /organism="pEGFP-1" /mol_type="other DNA" CDS 97..816 /label="ORF frame 1" gene 100..813 ...
The vector backbone also contains an SV40 origin for replication in mammalian cells expressing the SV40 T antigen. A neomycin-resistance cassette (Neor ), consisting of the SV40 early promoter, the neomycin/kanamycin resistance gene of Tn5, and polyadenylation signals from the Herpes simplex virus ...
The vector backbone also contains an SV40 origin for replication in mammalian cells expressing the SV40 T antigen. A neomycin-resistance cassette (Neor ), consisting of the SV40 early promoter, the neomycin/kanamycin resistance gene of Tn5, and polyadenylation signals from the Herpes simplex virus ...
SuperCos 1 Stratagene Cosmid vector pGAPZα AInvitrogen酵母表达载体 pPICZα AInvitrogen酵母表达载体 pPIC9K Invitrogen 酵母表达载体 X33,KM71,KM71H,GS115,Invitrogen配套毕赤酵母 SMD1168,SMD1163 pYES2Invitrogen酵母表达载体 pYES6/CTInvitrogen酵母表达载体 ...
RecombinanteukaryoticexpressionvectorpEGFP—N】一BMP2canbe successfullyconstructedandtransfectedintoHPDLFsbyultrasound—mediatedmicrobubbl es d es tru ction ;and the hBM P 2 gene can b e exp res sed s uccess fu ll y in H P D I F s .T his bas is p rov id es a fo undat ion for fu...
HH-Z-027 pTagBFP-N vector哺乳动物细胞表达载体, 蓝色荧光蛋白报告载体 HH-Z-025 pmR-mCHerry 红色荧光蛋白 miRNA表达载体microRNA HH-Z-023 pRI-GFP/hygro HH-Z-022 pmcherry-c1瞬转荧光蛋白质粒 HH-Z-021 pDsRed1-N1瞬转荧光蛋白质粒 HH-Z-020 pEGFP-MHF HH-Z-019 pEGFP-N1瞬转荧光蛋白质粒 常用...