external Create an external group //ebgp 对等体 internal Create an internal group //Ibgp对等体 [r6-bgp]group g_name internal [r6-bgp]peer g_name next-hop-local //设置对等体组 配置 [r6-bgp]peer group g_name //bgp 邻居加入对等体组 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 反射器(其他...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于peer ebgp-max-hop的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及peer ebgp-max-hop问答内容。更多peer ebgp-max-hop相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
配置peer ebgp-max-hop。检查是否出现BGP_1. hwBgpPeerEstablished告警信息。 Y=>24。 N=>23。 修改peer valid-ttl-hopshops的值,使之满足到对端的报文的TTL在[255–hops+1, 255]的范围内的判断条件。检查是否出现BGP_1. hwBgpPeerEstablished...
srv6-te-policy locator Core1 //标签黏连功能 # bgp 100 router-id peer 100:1:1::12 as-number 200 peer 100:1:1::12 ebgp-max-hop 255 peer 100:1:1::12 connect-interface LoopBack0 # link-state-family unicast peer 1::1 enable //上报SRv6 Policy状态给邻居 peer 1::2 ...
peer ebgp-max-hop 255 peer connect-interface LoopBack0 # ipv4-family unicast undo synchronization peer enable # return If the switch establishes an EBGP connection with a peer on the indirectly connected network, thepeer ebgp-max-hopcommand must ...
Peer设备配置如下所示。as-number 300 Peer ebgp-max-hop 2 Peer connect-interface LoopBack0 peer ebgp-max-hop 2 Peer connect-interface LoopBack0 RTB: Bgp 200 Network 255.0 Undo snchronization ...
Network Displays the network address from the eBGP table. Next Hop Specifies the eBGP next hop address. In Label Displays the label (if any) assigned by this router. Out Label Displays the label assigned by the BGP next hop router. Related Commands Command Description show ip bgp vpn...
undo peer { group-name | ip-address } ebgp-max-hop【视图】BGP视图/BGP-VPN实例视图【缺省级别】2:系统级【参数】group-name:对等体组的名称,为1~47个字符的字符串。ip-address:对等体的IP地址。hop-count:最大路由器跳数,取值范围为1~255,缺省值为64。
百度试题 题目要使非直连的EBGP邻居正常建立,必须包含如下哪些配置? A.peer ebgp-max-hopB.peer ignoreC.peer as-numberD.peer connect-interface相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 A,C,D 反馈 收藏
route advertise Quidway bgp peer rtg ebgp max hop 255 Quidway bgp ipv4 family multicast Quidway bgp af mul peer 10 28 grouprtg Quidway bgp af mul peer rtg enable Quidway bgp af mul peer rtg next hop local Quidway bgp af mul quit Quidway bgp quit 配置MSDP对等体、全连接组和Originating RP...