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注意:两个小AS之间也要解决多跳问题,大AS的边界路由器必须向内做next-hop-self。 BGP的团体属性 必须针对邻居发送团体属性(peer advertise-comm) 应用的位置:1)针对邻居收、发 2)产生路由(network、聚合、引入等)来应用 众所周知的团体属性 internet 表示可以向任何对等体发送匹配的路由。缺省情况下,所有的 路由...
配置peer ebgp-max-hop。检查是否出现BGP_1. hwBgpPeerEstablished告警信息。 Y=>24。 N=>23。 修改peer valid-ttl-hopshops的值,使之满足到对端的报文的TTL在[255–hops+1, 255]的范围内的判断条件。检查是否出现BGP_1. hwBgpPeerEstablished...
peer ebgp-max-hop hop-count When two directly connected devices use loopback interfaces to establish the EBGP peer relationship or two indirectly connected devices establish the EBGP peer relationship, run the peer ebgp-max-hop command to specify the maximum number of hops between the two devices...
1.1.42 ignore-first-as【命令】ignore-first-asundo ignore-first-as【视图】BGP视图【参数】无【描述】ignore-first-as命令用来配置不检测EBGP路由的第一个AS号。undo ignore-first-as命令用来配置检测EBGP路由的第一个AS号。缺省情况下,系统收到EBGP路由后,会检测路由的第一个AS号。如果此AS号不是EBGP邻居的...
Hold Period = 180 Seconds AAA Timeout = 60 Seconds Max Retries = 3 EAPoUDP Logging = Disabled Clientless Host Username = clientless Clientless Host Password = clientless Interface Specific EAPoUDP Configurations --- Interface Ethernet2/1 No interface specific configuration The following output ...
Check whether thepeer ebgp-max-hopcommand is configured on the two devices. <HUAWEI>display bgp peerBGP local router ID : Local AS number : 100 Total number of peers : 1 Peers in established state : 1 Peer V AS MsgRcvd MsgSent OutQ Up/Down State Pre...
BGP Nexthop scan:- penalty: 0, Time since last run: never, Next due in: none Max runtime : 0 ms Latest runtime : 0 ms Scan count: 0 BGP General Scan:- Max runtime : 14572 ms Latest runtime : 14572 ms Scan count: 78
And you have eBGP to the iBGP peer above, I'm assuming that was just a typo, and it's iBGP to iBGP from R1 to R2, then each has an eBGP to the provider? 0 Helpful Reply Harold Ritter Spotlight 02-07-2014 07:33 AM Hi John, Router 2 will not advertise a given...
route advertise Quidway bgp peer rtg ebgp max hop 255 Quidway bgp ipv4 family multicast Quidway bgp af mul peer 10 28 grouprtg Quidway bgp af mul peer rtg enable Quidway bgp af mul peer rtg next hop local Quidway bgp af mul quit Quidway bgp quit 配置MSDP对等体、全连接组和Originating RP...