如果仅有一端配置该命令,可能导致BGP连接建立失败。 当使用Loopback接口的IP地址建立EBGP连接时,必须配置命令peer x.x.x.x ebgp-max-hop 64,否则EBGP连接将无法建立。 1.5.2BGP的路由优选规则 当BGP收到到达同一目的地的多条路由时,会根据选路规则选择出最优路由,然后将最优路由下发到IP路由表,指导数据流量转...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于peer ebgp-max-hop的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及peer ebgp-max-hop问答内容。更多peer ebgp-max-hop相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
配置peer ebgp-max-hop。检查是否出现BGP_1. hwBgpPeerEstablished告警信息。 Y=>24。 N=>23。 修改peer valid-ttl-hopshops的值,使之满足到对端的报文的TTL在[255–hops+1, 255]的范围内的判断条件。检查是否出现BGP_1. hwBgpPeerEstablished...
The peer ebgp-max-hop command must be configured on the devices on both ends. peer valid-ttl-hops hops If the peer valid-ttl-hops hops command is configured, check whether the value of hops is correct. The valid TTL range of the detected packet is [255 - hops + 1, 255]. ...
Check whether thepeer ebgp-max-hopcommand is configured on the two devices. <HUAWEI>display bgp peerBGP local router ID : Local AS number : 100 Total number of peers : 1 Peers in established state : 1 Peer V AS MsgRcvd MsgSent OutQ Up/Down State Pre...
peer ebgp-max-hop命令用来配置允许同非直接相连网络上的邻居建立EBGP会话。undo peer ebgp-max-hop命令用来恢复缺省情况。缺省情况下,不允许同非直接相连网络上的邻居建立EBGP会话。设置参数hop-count,可以同时配置EBGP会话的最大路由器跳数。【举例】#在BGP视图下,允许同非直接相连网络上的已经创建的EBGP对等体组...
Network Displays the network address from the eBGP table. Next Hop Specifies the eBGP next hop address. In Label Displays the label (if any) assigned by this router. Out Label Displays the label assigned by the BGP next hop router. Related Commands Command Description show ip bgp vpn...
BGP Nexthop scan:- penalty: 0, Time since last run: never, Next due in: none Max runtime : 0 ms Latest runtime : 0 ms Scan count: 0 BGP General Scan:- Max runtime : 14572 ms Latest runtime : 14572 ms Scan count: 78
Now the question is: Should each of the routers prefer his eBGP neighbor for all prefixes received? If yes, wouldn't it be easier to ask the providers to send just the default route instead of full BGP tables? I think John needs to answer this question together with his LAN topo...
C、 ebgp-max-hop D、 ip&address E、 as-number F、 next-hop-local 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: [多选题] 下面哪几个参数不是配置BGP&Peer时的必备项 A、 Password B、 description C、 as&number D、 peer的IP&Address 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: [单选题] BGP协议用peer&default-route...