Iron deficiency, and growth failure,149 Islet cells, destruction of,3 effects of. see Type 1 diabetes mellitus. J Jansen syndrome,229–230 Jaw tumor syndrome,234 Juvenile idiopathic osteoporosis,246 Juvenile-onset diabetes mellitus. see Type 1 diabetes mellitus. K Kallmann syndrome,89 Karyotypic ...
Individual chart review was performed to identify infusion-related reactions. Nephrology patients as well as those patients 21 years or older at the time of the first infusion were excluded. Results A total of 1,088 doses of IV iron administered to 194 patients met inclusion criteria. A wide...
With PTCy, patients received a myeloablative conditioning regimen with intravenous busulfan at age- and weight-appropriate dosing every 6 hours, with pharmacokinetic adjustments for an area under the curve goal of 800 to 1400 on days -6 through -3, and cyclophosphamide 50 mg/kg/dose per day on...
Chart review included demographics, underlying disease, antibiotic susceptibility, neurologic presen- tation, and outcome including death, hearing loss, or other deficit. Dosing interval was recorded as Յ120 min. or Ͼ120 min. for VAN after CTRX. Results: 59 cases of PM occurred in the ...
Conclusion: High maternal stress is predictive of high reticulocyte-enriched ZnPP/H, suggesting that maternal stress during pregnancy may impair late pregnancy iron delivery to the red cell. 46 ELIMINATING HEPARIN DOSING ERRORS IN THE NEONATAL INTEN- SIVE CARE UNIT J Jackson, A Brinker, P Klie...
Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) is a common complication of pediatric inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The effectiveness of oral iron supplementation in the treatment of IDA is limited by its slow onset of action, daily dosing, gastrointestinal side effects, and potential for exacerbation of ...
Figure 1 shows the research flow chart, which is described next. To divide the eligible patients into training and validation cohorts, a random selection was performed, where 80%80% of the patients constituted the ‘derivation cohort’ for developing the dose-prediction algorithm. The remaining 20...
Background: Oral nutritional supplements (ONSs) are crucial for supporting the nutritional needs of pediatric populations, particularly those with medical conditions or dietary deficiencies. Bioactive compounds within ONSs play a pivotal role in enhancin
infantum without providing precise guidance on the various dosing regimens [39]. In the same year, an open-label study was conducted on 412 patients in the Indian subcontinent in a 3:1 ratio to receive either a single dose of 10 mg/kg of L-AmB or conventional therapy (amphotericin B ...