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面向8.5G TFT 线的PECVD 设备应用材料面向8.5和6代显示屏, 推出PECVD和PVD金属氧化物制造设备 2013/11/04 应用材料公司显示事业部(AKT)在10月23~25日于日本横滨举行的2013年国际平板显示器展(FPDI 2013)前不久,推出了面向8.5代、6代和5.5代高清(HD)、超高清(4K)液晶电视屏和OLED显示屏的AKT 55KS PECVD、...
(H 2+SiH 4) is an effective way to decrease the incubation layer thickness of μc-Si directly deposited by VHF PECVD without any further thermal or laser treatment.Based on the μc-Si with a thin incubation layer,the BG-TFT with Al/SiN x/μc-Si/n+-μc-Si/Al structure is ...
项目代码: 2211-340163-04-02-491777 项目名称: TFT-LCDPECVDDiffuser清洗工艺改善优化 事项编号: HFXZSX029 事项名称: 区属内资项目备案 建设性质: 扩建 改建 项目单位: 合肥微睿光电科技有限公司 拟开工: 2022 拟建成: 2023 总投(万元): 1064 所属行业: 3562 批复单位: 合肥新站高新技术产业开发区经贸局 ...
A VHF PECVD Micro2Crystalline Silicon Bottom G ate TFT 3 with a Thin Incubation Layer co n ( a2Si ) TF T and lower co st t han polycrystalline (poly2Si ) TF T[ 1 ,2 ] . Co mpared wit h t he mat ure a2Si er2resolutio n displays ,or it wo uld allow t he use of t...
Hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) and silicon nitride (a-SiN) deposited by rf plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD) at ~300 °C currently dominate as the channel and gate insulator layers in thin films transistors (TFTs) for active matrix liquid crystal displays. However, su...
Uniform, High Performance Poly-Si TFTs Fabricated by Laser- Crystallization of PECVD-Grown a-SI:H Polycrystalline silicon thin film transistors (TFTs) were fabricated using laser crystallization of thin amorphous Si films grown by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition. The films were exposed to ...
. Improving the mobility of the amorphous silicon TFT with the new stratified structure by PECVD [ J] . Acta Phys. Sinicaꎬ 2013ꎬ 62(13) :138501. ( in Chinese)于遥;张晶思;陈黛黛;郭睿倩;谷至华.PECVD分层结构对提高氢化非晶硅TFT迁移率的影响.物理学报.2013.525-531...