PeakForce Tapping Enabled AFM Modes Three examples of data only available with PeakForce Tapping: (A) correlated electrical and mechanical mapping reveals inactive metal oxide grains in battery cathode; (B) measuring conductivity of individual P3HT nanowires not amenable to contact mode; and (C) nan...
借助PeakForce Tapping技术,研究人员能够精确控制探针与样品的相互作用,以便使用最小作用力进行成像。这种出色的力控制可实现一致性最佳、分辨率最高的 AFM 成像,适用于从最柔软的生物样品到非常坚硬的材料等各种不同的样品类型。 无论测量那种样品,均可得到独一无二的定量化结果 ...
Bruker has developed FastScan AFM probes that use PeakForce Tapping’s accurate control of probe-to-sample forces to guarantee excellent repeatability and high performance. The benefits of FastScan AFM probes include: Repeatable high-speed, magnetic and electrical measurements Routine high-resolution, ...
Over the past few decades, atomic force microscopy (AFM) has been developed as a powerful platform, which enables in situ characterization of topological structures, local physical properties, and even manipulating samples at nanometer scale. Currently, an imaging mode called PeakFor...
Peak fce tapping mode 参考答案: Peak Force Tapping Mode(峰值力触模式)是原子力显微镜(AFM)中的一种操作模式,它属于一种...点击查看答案 广告位招租 联系QQ:5245112(WX同号)你可能感兴趣的试题 问答题JGJ52标准规定 除 外 当其余检验参数不存在不合格项时 应进行加倍取样进行复验 当复验仍有一项不满足...
PeakForce Tapping allows the researchers to accurately control probe-to-sample interaction. Further, the superior force control facilitates the most consistent, highest resolution AFM imaging for a wide range of samples, right from the softest biological samples to very hard materials. It also provides...
This study highlights the capacity of Peak Force Tapping, a novel AFM imaging mode, for investigating nanomechanical properties of different regions in marine diatoms, providing high resolution quantitative maps. Marine diatoms are eukaryotic, unicellular algae that are ubiquitously present in almost every...
Bruker AFM Probes presents the world's first family of probes specifically targeted at delivering the highest resolution images in PeakForce Tapping mode, for any application. We now offer high resolution PeakForce Tapping probe solutions for: ...
Find PeakForce Tapping (Mode) offered at competitive prices and includes the Bruker quality standard and support. Shop now for PeakForce Tapping at Bruker, the worldwide leader in scanning probe microscope (SPM) and atomic force microscope (AFM) instrume
峰值力隧道原子力显微镜(PeakForce TUNA)是基于Bruker公司专利技术峰值力轻敲(Peak Force Tapping)成像模式的一种电学测量方法。这种成像模式通过使扫描器在正弦形式的驱动信号下振动,实现探针与样品表面每个像素点处进行非常快速的力曲线,同时测得在外加电压下接触过程中的电流信号。PeakForce TUNA在力控制、定量测量和易...