各位虫友,我做的是纳米级别纤维的AFM,感觉Peak force error的图比形貌图体现的更加清晰,所有想用error...
20R1sr3软件离线处理,发现每次扫描同时生产四幅图,“Height”、“Height Sensor”、“Peak Force Error...
PeakForce TUNA™ 是检测脆弱样品(如有机光伏电池、导电纳米管和纳米颗粒)导电性的理想方法。由于 传统的基于接触模式的导电原子力显微镜技术(CAFM)的横向力作用会造成样品损坏或探针针尖污染,导致CAFM受到严重限制,而 PeakForce TUNA 技术克服了这些局限性。PeakForce TUNA 可提供直接、精确的力控制并消除横向力,从而...
探针-样品相互作用F 峰值力AFM(PeakForce Tapping AFM) 由于很多扫描探针显微术都是从AFM衍生出来的,我们这里只简单介绍一下AFM的 几种基本成像模式。 轻敲模式AFM:通过使用处于振动状态的探针针尖对样品表面进行敲击来生成形貌图 像。扫描过程中,探针悬臂的振幅随样品表面形貌的起伏而变化,从而反映出形貌的起伏。
一、概述 AFM是一种不需要导电试样的扫描探针型显微镜,通过其粗细只有一个原子大小的探针在非常近的距离上探索物体表面的情况,便可以分辨出其他显微镜无法分辨的极小尺度上的表面细节与特征。二、仪器的组成 图1 MultiMode8 SPM基本硬件组成。左边为控制器和显微镜部分,右边为电脑部分。三、基本原理 探针装在一弹性...
PeakForce quantitative nanomechanical AFM mode (PF-QNM) is a popular AFM technique designed to measure multiple mechanical features (e.g., adhesion, apparent modulus, etc.) simultaneously at the exact same spatial coordinates with a robust scanning frequency. This paper proposes compressing the ...
This study highlights the capacity of Peak Force Tapping, a novel AFM imaging mode, for investigating nanomechanical properties of different regions in marine diatoms, providing high resolution quantitative maps. Marine diatoms are eukaryotic, unicellular algae that are ubiquitously present in almost every...
3、智能扫描模式(Scanasyst mode):基于peak force 成像模式,Scanasyst microscope 0.05~ 1V。适合大多样品的测试(如软样品、黏性样品),适宜深、窄沟槽样品,液相成像方 便,样品、探针作用力小(PN 级别),不易损坏。数据更为准确。(推荐使用) 4、样品制备需保证样品牢固。
“We launched PeakForce Tapping in 2009 because it had the potential to provide new quantitative data, as well as make AFM radically easier to use,” explained David V. Rossi, Executive Vice President and General Manager of Bruker’s AFM business. “We are very pleased to see its wide...
The peak force constant is maintained down to 10pN in both fluid and air by the feedback loop using superior force control. The peak force constant is comparatively lower than that used in other modes including TappingMode (∼1nN). Besides material research, PeakForce Tapping is suitable ...