Bruker’s exclusive PeakForce Tapping® has been the most significant scientific breakthrough in atomic force microscope (AFM) technology since the introduction ofTappingMode™. It provides unprecedented high-resolution imaging, extends AFM measurements into a range of samples not previously accessed ...
网络峰值力轻敲模式 网络释义 1. 峰值力轻敲模式 ... 1.8 PR-mode( 压电响应模式) 1.12Peak force tapping(峰值力轻敲模式) 1.13 Peak force QNM( 定量纳米力学性能测试模式) ...|基于6个网页
商标名称 PEAKFORCE TAPPING 国际分类 第09类-科学仪器 商标状态 商标注册申请 申请/注册号 27400882 申请日期 2017-11-10 申请人名称(中文) 布鲁克纳米有限公司;BRUKERNANO,INC. 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) 美国加利福尼亚州圣巴巴拉市罗宾山路112号,邮编93117;112 ROBIN HILL ROAD SANTA BARBARA CA ...
PeakForce Capture 获取每个像素的高灵敏度纳米力学数据 PeakForce QNM® 对PeakForceTapping®中的每一条力曲线进行实时分析,以生成材料性能图;,而 PeakForce Capture™ 可以记录每个像素的实际力曲线。启用之后,PeakForce QNM图像的力曲线以专有3D数据立方体文件格式与标准图像文件一起保存。由此可使用NanoScope...
峰值力隧道原子力显微镜(PeakForce TUNA)是基于Bruker公司专利技术峰值力轻敲(Peak Force Tapping)成像模式的一种电学测量方法。这种成像模式通过使扫描器在正弦形式的驱动信号下振动,实现探针与样品表面每个像素点处进行非常快速的力曲线,同时测得在外加电压下接触过程中的电流信号。PeakForce TUNA在力控制、定量测量和易...
The proprietary PeakForce Tapping from Bruker brings a new level of dimension to AFM technology. Accurate control of the peak normal force at individual pixels leads to reduced lateral force on the probe. As a result samples are protected from contact damage, probe lifetimes are extended, and re...
PeakForce Tapping technology is provided with routine measurements of live-cell mechanical properties. The sample integrity and tip shape can be maintained through superior force control, which can lead to constant accurate and high-resolution measurements of the tiny biological structures including double...
在peak fce tapping mode下扫描一个五幺2 5幺二的图像选取了2k赫兹 参考答案: 在PeakForce Tapping模式下,扫描一个5μm x 5μm的图像时,如果选取了2kHz的频率,那么您可...点击查看答案 你可能感兴趣的试题 问答题民用建筑工程室内环境污染控制规范 GB50325不适用于下列哪个工程 A 新建民用建筑工程 B 扩建的...
force curvenanomechanical properties mappingnanosciencePeakForce Tapping modecharacterization of topological structures, local physical properties, and even manipulating samples at nanometer scale. Currently, an imaging mode called PeakForce Tapping (PFT) has attracted more and more attention due to its ...
AFM | PeakForce Tapping: Enabling High Resolution Imaging of The DNA Double Helix | Bruker Other Videos by this Supplier The Bruker Innova-IRIS AFM-Raman System The Dimension Fastscan from Bruker - The Fastest AFM on the Market Recent Advances in AFM-Based Nanoscale Thermal Analysis ...