Define peak rate. peak rate synonyms, peak rate pronunciation, peak rate translation, English dictionary definition of peak rate. peak rate. Translations. English: peak rate n tariffa ore di punta. Italian / Italiano: tariffa ore di punta.
Now they earn more than three times as much. In the past, muscle power was an important factor in earnings, but that falters with age. Today, people are paid for working smarter and doing so for a longer period of time.Submit a Definition ...
Total Drainage Fixture Unit (DFU) Values: Size of External Grease Interceptor: Retention Time:Peaking Factor/ Peak Times: N/A - Commercial space will consist of retail space only. Details of Peak Fee (including Peak Times) are published at, as updated from...
capacity.Annual Capacity Factor =Total Energy Produced Annually / (Peak Capacityx 8760)Note: 8760 is the number of hours in a yearThe higher the capacity factor the more output that could be produced from a specific project size and conversely the lower the capacity factor the lower the ...
Vibration injury in the hand鈥揳rm system from hand-held machines is one of the most common occupational health injuries. Machines emitting high-frequency shock vibrations, e.g., impact wrenches have since long been identified as a special risk factor. In legislative and standard texts, the ...
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Define Absorption peak. Absorption peak synonyms, Absorption peak pronunciation, Absorption peak translation, English dictionary definition of Absorption peak. n. 1. A fluorochrome that is conjugated with a protein or other macromolecule and used as a pr
The first part of this chapter is devoted to the peak factor , that is the statistics of the extreme value of the random process during a given observation period. Approximate formulae are derived. The relationship between the peak factor and the so-called Response Spectrum traditionally used ...
How to identify true transcription factor binding sites on the basis of sequence motif information (e.g., motif pattern, location, combination, etc.) is an important question in bioinformatics. We present "PeakRegressor," a system that identifies binding motifs by combining DNA-sequence data and...
(i) the apportionment factor on the income or franchise Tax Return filed by the Corporate Taxpayer in such jurisdiction for such Taxable Year, and (ii) the maximum applicable corporate tax rate in effect in such jurisdiction in such Taxable Year. As an illustration of the calculation of ...