Define peak rate. peak rate synonyms, peak rate pronunciation, peak rate translation, English dictionary definition of peak rate. peak rate. Translations. English: peak rate n tariffa ore di punta. Italian / Italiano: tariffa ore di punta.
with the maximum effective rate in any state or local jurisdiction being equal to the product of: (i) the apportionment factor on the income or franchise Tax Return filed by the Corporate Taxpayer in such jurisdiction for such Taxable Year, and (ii) the maximum applicable corporate tax rate ...
Learn the definition of Peak and browse a collection of 253 enlightening community discussions around the topic.
Total Drainage Fixture Unit (DFU) Values: Size of External Grease Interceptor: Retention Time: Peaking Factor/Peak Times: Note: In determining your restaurant process water flows, and the size of your external grease interceptor, please use The Uniform Plumbing Code. ...
The first part of this chapter is devoted to the peak factor , that is the statistics of the extreme value of the random process during a given observation period. Approximate formulae are derived. The relationship between the peak factor and the so-called Response Spectrum traditionally used ...
Define Absorption peak. Absorption peak synonyms, Absorption peak pronunciation, Absorption peak translation, English dictionary definition of Absorption peak. n. 1. A fluorochrome that is conjugated with a protein or other macromolecule and used as a pr
SPAF Sasakawa Pan Asia Fund SPAF Seattle Performing Arts Fellowship (Washington) SPAF Spontaneous Peak Alpha Frequency (neurophysiology) SPAF Spontaneous Platelet Aggregating Factor Copyright 1988-2018, All rights reserved. Suggest new definitionWant...
Bishop N, Arundel P, Clark E, Dimitri P, Farr J, Jones G, Makitie O, Munns CF, Shaw N; International Society of Clinical Densitometry. Fracture prediction and the definition of osteoporosis in children and adolescents: the ISCD 2013 Pediatric Official Positions. J Clin Densitom 2014; 17(2...
CFC analyzed proposed non-Residential TOU time periods for agreement with CAISO load and market price data, stability as the basis for the cost-allocator "Peak Capacity Allocation Factor (PCAF)," and for alignment with proposed Matinee pricing (to verify that the proposed structures for the matine...
Define peak loads. peak loads synonyms, peak loads pronunciation, peak loads translation, English dictionary definition of peak loads. n the maximum load on an electrical power-supply system. Compare base load Collins English Dictionary – Complete and U