Now with the largest machines this factor has shrunk to below 10% (1% for TaihuLight) in some cases. The alternative to weak scaling is the much more challenging but important approach of strong scaling, where the application dataset size remains constant in the presence of increased system ...
Another source of confusion, and hence a factor of 2, is that the authors do not always stipulate whether the spectrum presented uses wave height or wave amplitude as the basic statistic employed in the determination of the spectrum. Assuming the Rayleigh distribution is applicable, the indicated...
Each interface shall be evaluated to determine additional “in series” facilities, defined as any transmission facility higher than 115 kV that (a) is located in an upstream or downstream zone adjacent to the interface and (b) has a power transfer distribution factor (DFAX) equal to or ...
quadrupole moments/ peak valueelectromagnetic quadrupole form factordeuteronshort range unitary transformationsdeuteron wave functionpercentage D statequadrupole momentIt is shown that short range unitary transformations on the deuteron wave function of the super-soft-core potential of de Tourreil and Sprung,...
New Capacitymeans a new Generator, a substantial addition to the capacity of an existing Generator, or the reactivation of all or a portion of a Generator that has been out of service for five years or more that commences commercial service after the effective date of this definition. For pur...
A second factor concerns the latent heat of ice. A great deal of heat is needed to melt ice before the temperature of liquid water can begin to rise. A simple experiment can easily demonstrate latent heat: Add a great deal of ice to a beaker of water and wait for the temperature to ...
10). A second factor that can significantly influence this performance is the definition of thermal comfort itself. It is obvious that a narrow definition of comfort, e.g., within a \(\pm 2\)K tolerance as defined in the international ISO 7730 standard93, would result in more rapid ...
Business Cycle Peak: Definition & Overview from Chapter 10 / Lesson 10 21K All economies go through periods of growth and contraction called the business cycle. In this lesson, you'll learn about one phase of that cycle - the peak. After the lesson, you can test y...
(RF kill) 15 2.2.1 Wi-Fi wireless disable15 2.2.2 Bluetooth® wireless disable 15 2.3 LED indicators 16 2.4 32-KHz slow clock16 3 Electrical Specifications 17 3.1 2230 and 1216 form-factor pinouts 17 3.2 Pinout variations24 3.2.1 Unused Bluetooth® 24 3.2.2 Unused AMT 24 3.3 Peak ...
In the peak memory bandwidth calculation, the factor of 2.0 appears due to the double data rate of the RAM per memory clock cycle, the division by eight converts the bus width from bits to bytes, and the factor of 1.e-6 handles the kilohertz-to-hertz and byte-to-gigabyte conversions....