Fig1.检测PE_PGRS62抗体实验 同时,研究者还用PE_PGRS17做了同样的实验,发现三组实验对象中均检测不到PE_PGRS17抗体,说明不同PE_PGRS蛋白引起的细胞反应效果不同[1]。 另外,研究人员检测了结核菌诊断中常用的38KD抗体,发现该抗体含量变化趋势与PE_PGRS62抗体变化趋势相反,结核病治愈者的38KD抗体比未治愈患者的...
摘要:PE_PGRS33蛋白是典型的PE2_PGRS(Prolinc-Glutamic_polymorphic GC-rich repeat sequence,PE_PGRS)亚家族成员,由R ul818c基因编码,属于结核分枝杆菌(Myobaceium tuberculosis,MTB)细胞壁暴露抗原,只表达于结核分枝杆菌复合群,与结核分枝杆菌的致病性、毒力、抗原变异密切相关.本文就近年来有关PE_PGRS33蛋白...
Using ethidium bromide/Nile red uptake assays, Mycobacterium smegmatis expressing PE_PGRS47 showed higher cell wall permeability than the control strain. Overall, these data suggested that PE_PGRS47 is cell surface exposed and influences cell wall integrity and the formation of mycobacterial colonies, ...
PE_PGRS proteins, uniquely present in pathogenic mycobacteria, are cell surface molecules that are suggested to interact with host cells. PE_PGRS proteins have also been implicated in its pathogenesis. In the present study, immuno-regulatory property of Rv1651c-encoded PE_PGRS30 protein was ...
tuberculosis and, in particular, the proline-glutamic acid_polymorphic guanine-cytosine-rich sequence (PE_PGRS) family of proteins modulate DC maturation and function. In this study, we demonstrate that two cell wall-associated/secretory PE_PGRS proteins, PE_PGRS 17 (Rv0978c) and PE_PGRS 11 ...
The highly homologous PE_PGRS (Proline-glutamic acid_polymorphic GC-rich repetitive sequence) genes are members of the PE multigene family which is found only in mycobacteria. PE genes are particularly abundant within the genomes of pathogenic mycobacter
PE_PGRS represent a large family of proteins typical of pathogenic mycobacteria whose members are characterized by an N-terminal PE domain followed by a large Gly-Ala repeat-rich C-terminal domain. Despite the abundance of PE_PGRS-coding genes in theMycobacterium tuberculosis(Mtb) genome their rol...
热度: 女孩要富养--杨澜269 热度: 相关推荐 280502C社会科学总论13371579-Mycobacterial PE_PGRS Proteins Contain Calcium-Binding Motifs with Parallel β-roll Folds,280502C社会科学总论13371579-Mycobacterial PE_PGRS Proteins Contain Calcium-Binding Motifs with Parallel β-roll Folds,PE,帮助博学...
PE_PGRS33-induced signaling leads to enhanced expression of TNF-α and TNF receptor I (TNFRI) genes. Mycobacterium smegmatis expressing PE_ PGRS33 elicits the same effects as purified PE_PGRS33. TNF-α release occurs even when internalization of the bacteria is blocked by cytochalasin D, ...