(within 4 1.5 weeks) History of DVT or PE 1.5 Hemoptysis 1 Malignancy (treatment within 6 1 months, palliative) TOTAL Score Traditional interpretation 2.0 Low probability of PE 2.0-6.0 Moderate probability of PE 6.0 High probability of PE Score Alternative classification scheme ≤4.0 PE unlikely ...
1 TOTAL Score Traditional interpretation <2.0 Low probability of PE 2.0-6.0 Moderate probability of PE >6.0 High probability of PE Score Alternative classification scheme ≤4.0 PE unlikely >4.0 PE likely DVT, deep venous thrombosis; PE, pulmonary embolism. the Wells score for PE©...
For patients with a low or PE unlikely (Wells score 4) pretest probability for PE who require additional diagnostic testing (eg, positive D-dimer result, or highly sensitive D-dimer test not available), a negative, multidetector CT pulmonary angiogram alone can be used to exclude PE (level B...
Another interpretation could be that some participants were not familiar with the social-learning groups function of Facebook and its features. In this direction, a limited number of group-members acknowledged the fact that they could not navigate easily between the training posts, facing difficulties...