PE32 包含位于 BaseOfCode 之后的此附加字段,此字段在 PE32+ 中不存在。展开表 偏移量大小字段描述 24 4 BaseOfData 加载到内存中后相对于数据开头部分映像基址的地址。 可选标头 Windows 特定字段(仅限映像)接下来的 21 个字段是 COFF 可选标头格式的扩展。 它们包含 Windows 中的链接器和加载程序所需的...
信托中的信托TOT TOT(trust of trusts)从字面上来理解就是信托中的信托,也就是一种专门投资信托产品的信托。从广义上讲,TOT是FOF的一个小分类,而在国内,TOT普遍被认为是私募中的私募,FOF则被普遍认为是公募中的公募。 TOT的运作模式是怎么样的? 目前国内TOT的普遍操作模式为某机构募资,在信托平台成立母信托...
36/36 4 FileAlignment The alignment factor (in bytes) that is used to align the raw data of sections in the image file. The value should be a power of 2 between 512 and 64 K, inclusive. The default is 512. If the SectionAlignment is less than the architecture's page size, then Fil...
DJI Pilot PE is a customized version of the DJI Pilot flight control app, which is exclusively deployed with FlightHub on a private cloud server.
// 导出函数的起始序号DWORDNumberOfFunctions;//所有的导出函数的个数DWORDNumberOfNames;//以名字导出的函数的个数DWORDAddressOfFunctions;// 导出的函数地址的 地址表 RVA 也就是 函数地址表DWORDAddressOfNames;// 导出的函数名称表的 RVA 也就是 函数名称表DWORDAddressOfNameOrdinals;// 导出函数序号表的...
Name: RVA 55C0h 文件偏移值:49C0h Base: 1 NumberOfFunctions: 02DCh NumberOfNmae:02DCh AddressOfFunctions: RVA 3928h 文件偏移值:2D28h AddressOfNames: RVA 4498h 文件偏移值:3898h AddressOfNameOrdinals: RVA 5008h 文件偏移值:4408h 查看ENT数组所指向的字符串。能够知道AdjustWindowRect是第2个元...
1TB or 2TB gives you colossal space in sleek colorways of blue, beige, or black. The stylish rubberized grip prevents slips so it stays in your hands. Bring everything with you, and look great doing it.World's No. 1 Flash Memory Brand Experience the p...
Case Study: PE VPNs Cannot Ping Each Other Case Study: VPN Route Learning in Inter-AS Option B Mode Is Abnormal Because the Loopback Address Mask of the Intermediate Router Is Incorrect Case Study: After the policy vpn-target Command Is Configured...
(有用)AddressOfFunctions; 函数入口地址表的相对虚拟地址(RVA),每一个非0的项都对应一个被导出的函数名称或导出序号(序号+基数等于导出函数序号) (有用)AddressOfNames; 函数名称表的相对虚拟地址(RVA),存储着指向导出函数名称的ASCII字符的RVA (有用)AddressOfNameOrdinals; 存储着函数入口地址表的数组下标索引...
Ferrari S.p.A. - A company under Italian law, having its registered office at Via Emilia Est No. 1163, Modena, Italy, Companies’ Register of Modena, VAT and Tax number 00159560366 and share capital of Euro 20,260,000 Copyright 2025 - All rights reserved ...