S&P 500 PE Ratio table by year, historic, and current data. Current S&P 500 PE Ratio is 28.82, a change of +0.07 from previous market close.
CurrentS&P 500 PE Ratio:28.23-0.08 (-0.28%) 4:00 PM EDT, Fri Mar 21 Mean:16.14 Median:15.05 Min:5.31(Dec 1917) Max:123.73(May 2009) Price to earnings ratio, based on trailing twelve month “as reported”earnings. Current PE is estimated from latest reported earnings and current market ...
市盈率(Price - Earnings Ratio,简称 PE 或 P/E Ratio)是在股票投资领域常用的一个估值指标。它主要用于衡量股票的估值水平,能帮助投资者了解在对公司盈利进行预期的情况下,当前股价是否处于合理范围。市盈率又分成静态市盈率、动态市盈率、市盈率TTM等,不在本文详述,若有需要请跳转(【聊投资】PE估值指标的扣非和...
On this page you'll find the current S&P 500 price to earnings ratio, summary statistics on the maximum, minimum, average, and median P/E reading, and the history of the S&P 500 P/E ratio. Find a S&P 500 PE Ratio visualization and calculator, as well as the monthly P/E ratio histor...
The S&P 500 Shiller CAPE Ratio, also known as the Cyclically Adjusted Price-Earnings ratio, is defined as the ratio the the S&P 500's current price divided by the 10-year moving average of inflation-adjusted earnings. The metric was invented by American economist Robert Shiller and has become...
市盈率(Price-to-Earnings Ratio,简称P/E Ratio或PE Ratio)是用来评估股票价格水平是否合理的一项重要财务指标。它是股票市场价格与每股收益(Earnings Per Share,简称EPS)的比率。通过市盈率,我们可以直观地了解投资者愿意为每一单位的公司盈利付出多少倍的价格。具
Go beyond price to chart the fundamental levers that impact performance. YCharts enables the comparison of multiple securities based on virtually any performance metric or valuation ratio — plus, layer in macroeconomic indicators to show the “why” behind a security’s performance. ...
市盈率(英文:Price-to-Earning Ratio 简称PE)是价值投资中一定要了解的一种估价(Valuation)方法,可以帮助你快速判断股价现在是昂贵或是便宜。 野猪在这篇文章中整理关于市盈率的基本观念,包含计算公式、如何判断市盈率高低、与成长性的关系以及注意事项等等,让你一次搞懂市盈率的所有重要观念: ...
Model Extruder Pipe diameter(mm) Motor Power(kw) Output(kg/h) Length to diameter ratio(L/D) SJ-63 SJ65 20-63 37 80-150 33:1 SJ-110 SJ65 20-110 55 100-200 33:1 SJ-160 SJ75 50-160 75 150-250 33:1 SJ-250 SJ60 50-250 90 400-500 38:1 SJ-31...
The P/E ratio of the S&P 500 going back to 1927 has had a low of roughly 6 in mid-1949 and been as high as 122 in mid-2009, right after the financial crisis. As of April 2024, the S&P 500's P/E ratio was 26.26.1 P/E Ratio Formula and Calculation ...