必应词典为您提供PDSMS的释义,网络释义: 管理系统;数据空间管理系统;
PDSMS scores were positively correlated with a number of self-reported self-care activities and negatively related to measures of glycemic control. The PDSMS is a valid measure of diabetes self-efficacy, and the more generic template from which it was adapted can easily be altered for use with...
The PDSMS is a valid measure of diabetes self-efficacy, and the more generic template from which it was adapted can easily be altered for use with other chronic medical conditions. 展开 关键词: Diabetes Self-management Self-efficacy Perceived competence Psychometrics ...
SMS police report platform has 24h officers stand by 12110短信报警 24小时实时回复,本视频由看看新闻Knews提供,2次播放,好看视频是由百度团队打造的集内涵和颜值于一身的专业短视频聚合平台
深圳神秘顾客(SMS)公司怎么做长沙连锁餐饮神秘顾客 深圳神秘顾客市场调查有限公司 17粉丝 · 68个视频 关注 接下来播放自动播放 00:50 回南天走了冰雹来了!广东多地冰雹密集砸地 4日局地仍有暴雨冰雹 青蜂侠Bee 3.2万次播放 · 150次点赞 00:39 《长安的荔枝》定档7月25日,大鹏、刘德华、杨幂挑战马伯庸爆款IP ...
RTE_X_SMS_PDSE_FLAG_SHARE 説明 共有データ・セットが読み取り専用ライブラリーの RTE_SHARE セットによって所有され、SMS によって管理される場合、非 VSAM データ・セットが PDS ではなく PDSE として割り振られるようにYを指定します。
Purpose To investigate the ability of simultaneous multislice triple‐echo steady‐state (SMS‐TESS) imaging to provide quantitative maps of multiple tissue parameters, i.e., longitudinal and transverse relaxation times (T 1 and T 2 ), proton density (PD), and off‐resonance (ΔB 0 ), in ...
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