Full name: spindle apparatus coiled-coil protein 1 Synonyms: CCDC99 SwissProt: Q96EA4 ELISA Recommended dilution: 2000-5000 IHC positive control: Human thyroid cancer and Human esophagus cancer IHC Recommend dilution: 25-100 上一条 兔抗FCGR2B(Phospho-Tyr292)多克隆抗体 下一条兔抗FCRL5多克隆抗体...
Although the document is marked with the name of the company that originally developed the specification, these products will be offered to customers of both AMD and Fujitsu. Continuity of Specifications There is no change to this datasheet as a result of offering the device as a Spansion ...
ref 的作用是检查变化,这样在下一个时钟周期,vue 会检查哪些 ref 发生了变化,如果存在变化,着会对整个组件的参数进行 diff 运算,找到整个组件的所有参数的变化情况并更新到 dom 组件;因此只是修改 infoName 使不会更新组件的,但是你更新了 loading ,所以当这次函数整体运行完成进入下一个周期的时候,整个组件变中心...