import tabula # 读取pdf文件中的表格 tables = tabula.read_pdf('input.pdf', pages='all') # 将表格转换为excel并保存 for i, table in enumerate(tables): table.to_excel(f'output_{i + 1}.xlsx', index=false) ``` 这样,通过简单的python代码,就能快速地把pdf中的表格转换为excel文件,大大提高...
第二步:整理成dataframe格式,保存为excel import pandas as pd # 将列表转为df table_df = pd.D...
Step 1. Download the PDF to Excel Table Converter Click "Free Download" to install PDFelement and run it on your computer to access the primary window. Try It Free On the bottom left of this window, click the "Open files" button. Browse the target PDF file and click "Open" to open ...
from pdfminer.converter import TextConverter, PDFPageAggregator from pdfminer.layout import LAParams, LTTextBox, LTTextLine, LTText, LTFigure, LTImage, LTChar, LTTextBoxHorizontal from pdfminer.pdfpage import PDFPage from io import StringIO def extract_table(pdf_path): rsrcmgr = PDFResourceManag...
PDF to Excel Converter in Python 🐍 This Python script uses thetabula-pyandpandaslibraries to convert a PDF file into an Excel file. Each table in the PDF file is written to a separate sheet in the Excel file. Running with GitHub Codespaces 🚀 ...
然后通过Python的输入输出(io)模块创建一个似文件对象。如果你使用的是Python 2,你应该使用StringIO模块。接下来的步骤是创建一个转换器。在这个例子里,我们选择使用TextConverter,如果你想要的话,你还可以使用HTMLConverter或XMLConverter。最后,我们创建一个PDF解释器对象,携带着我们的资源管理器和转换器对象,来提取...
# convert pdf to docx cv=Converter(pdf_file) cv.convert(docx_file, start=0, end=None) cv.close() 下面是另外三种常用方法 1 把标准格式的PDF转为Word,测试环境Python3.6.5和3.6.6(注意PDF内容仅仅是文字为主的里面没有图片图表的适用,不适合扫描版PDF,因为那只能用图片识别的方式进行) ...
Python Open source Python library for converting PDF to DOCX. pdf-converterdocxpymupdfpdf-to-wordextract-table UpdatedSep 23, 2024 Python A library for converting HTML into PDFs using ReportLab pythonpdfpdf-converterhtml-to-pdfpdf-generationreportlabpypdfhtml-pdfhtml-to-pdf-converterreportlab-pdfh...
self.CP.triggered.connect(lambda:self.selected_tb_text(self.table_one)) self.CP= self.contextMenu.addAction('打开表格可编辑') self.CP.triggered.connect(lambda: self.compile_True(self.table_one)) self.CP= self.contextMenu.addAction('关闭表格可编辑') ...
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