步骤三:将提取的数据写入Excel文件 现在我们已经获得了PDF中的数据并转换为pandas DataFrame。接下来将这...
2. 手动编辑:如果PDF文件中的数据量不大,可以直接在Excel中手动输入或复制粘贴数据,以确保数据的准确...
第一步:安装所需的Python库 在进行PDF到Excel的转换之前,你需要安装一些Python库,通常我们会使用PyPDF2用于读取PDF和pandas用于创建Excel文件。你可以通过以下命令安装这些库: pipinstallPyPDF2 pandas openpyxl 1. 第二步:导入PDF文件 接下来,我们需要导入所需的库并读取PDF文件。以下是代码示例: importPyPDF2# 导...
Inside the context manager, a for loop iterates over the list of tables. Each table is written to a separate sheet in the Excel file with theDataFrame.to_excelmethod provided by the pandas library. About convert PDF to excel using this python script 🐍 ...
PDFBox是一个BSD许可下的源码开放项目,为开发人员读取和创建PDF文档而准备的纯Java类库。地址在 Apache PDFBox | A Java PDF Library 社区比较活跃,更新速度较快 代码示例 import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument; import org.apache.pdfbox.text.PDFTextStripper; ...
If you don't have the PDFTables Python library set up and running on your machine, first go to our tutorial How to convert a PDF to Excel with Python and follow steps 1 and 2. Additionally, you'll need an API key and the PyPDF2 library installed. To install this library, run the...
Convert PDF to Text with Python via pdftotext Module To convert PDF to text using Python, you need the following tools. 1: Poppler for Windows It is a PDF rendering library that also includes the pdftoppm utility. 2: pdftotext Module ...
格式化写入到 excel 中 转换 PDF 有很多库可以完成,如下是通过 pdfminer 的示例:fromcStringIOimport...
pyquery - A jQuery-like library for parsing HTML. untangle - Converts XML documents to Python objects for easy access. WeasyPrint - A visual rendering engine for HTML and CSS that can export to PDF. xmldataset - Simple XML Parsing. xmltodict - Working with XML feel like you are working ...
convert_word_table_to_excel()函数,该函数接收Word文件的路径和Excel文件的路径作为参数。函数首先打开Word文档,然后遍历文档中的每个表格,并将每个表格中的数据写入到一个新的Excel工作表中。最后,将新的Excel工作表保存为Excel文件。 defconvert_word_table_to_excel(word_file, excel_file):# 打开Word文档 doc...