ragpypdf2-librarylangchainretrieval-augmented-generationopenai-embeddingsfaiss-vector-database UpdatedMay 19, 2024 Jupyter Notebook rdpfeifle/pdf-to-speech Star0 Code Issues Pull requests A Python-based tool for converting PDF documents to audio format. ...
wget https://github.com/opendatalab/MinerU/raw/master/Dockerfile docker build -t mineru:latest.docker run --rm -it --gpus=all mineru:latest /bin/bash magic-pdf --help Usage Command Line Using MinerU via Command Line Tip For more information about the output files, please refer to the...
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POint OUt that PreSent ConHnUOUS is USed for temporary activities, even Ifthey are not going On right DiSCUSSion: TWO PromotlOnS now. For example, a brand manager Can Say Were testing a new brand at the moment even if its Iate at night and no ThiS discussion PrOVideS RUenCy practice, ...
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课件ultraware 1 user用户手册.pdf,Important User Information Because of the variety of uses for the products described in this publication, those responsible for the application and use of this control equipment must satisfy themselves that all necessary
知识增强与推理论坛 codeLLM和RAG技术在OPPO的探索.pdf Aligning Graph Model to Large Language Model for Open-ended Tasks.pdf 五、知识获取与构建论坛 基于图数据库构建知识图谱平台实践.pdf 大语言模型与知识图谱.pdf 电商知识图谱建设及大模型应用探索.pdf 六、知识问答与检索论坛 专利大模型的实践与问答探索....
Some tests, including the laundry test, should be considered for textiles, pencil hardness, or blade testing for surfaces that will come into contact with sharp objects for aerospace applications. Until now, the existing background knowledge of fabrication methods for the development of flexible and...
This work also provides an abundance of measurements, which can serve as a database for the validation of future droplet disintegration simulations. Keywords: atomization; laser diffraction; rotary bell; droplet size distribution; spray; paint appearance 1. Introduction The challenges faced in ...
1.2 遗传基因检测 目前,主张对上皮性卵巢癌患者进行遗传致 病基因突变的筛查,特别是对所有非黏液性上皮 性卵巢癌患者进行BRCA1/2胚系突变的检测.对于 检出胚系突变的卵巢癌个体,需进一步对其家系 进行"逐级检测"(cascade testing),以期发现高 危个体,从而有针对性地开展肿瘤预防与监测工 作,降低个体发病与死亡风险...