I was unable to save a fillable form with all of the entries I had made and received the same error message (adobe error message 105). Then I tried 'Save a Copy to Microsoft' which worked and was easy. It saved the form with all of the entries and the fillable feature remaining...
defaultzss05uhvjjxu New Here , May 24, 2021 Copy link to clipboard As the title states I am unable to sign or save a document due to error 105. I have seen some of the other posts on here about the error code but due to the document much of the other solutions do not wo...
float[] columnWidths =newfloat[] {38f,105f,90f}; PdfPTable table_SectionTwo=newPdfPTable(clmnWdthTpHdr); table_SectionTwo.setTotalWidth(500.0f); table_SectionTwo.setWidthPercentage(100.0f); table_SectionTwo.setLockedWidth(true); 3.Don't use super.getPdfWriter().getDirectContent()).As ...
OPEN error - An error occurred while trying to open the PDS. ISRB004 I/O error - I/O error while trying to build the member list. ISRB005 Incomplete string - Put a quote to indicate the end of the string. ISRB006 Insufficient storage - BROWSE will continue, using as much of the dis... 使用 GDS 传输数据的过程中,报错"connection failure error."... 1051.4.6.9 使用 DLF 服务创建 GaussDB(DWS) 外表时不支持中文,如何处理...1051.4.7 帐户、密码、权限...
INSERT INTO films VALUES ('UA502', 'Bananas', 105, DEFAULT, 'Comedy', '82 minutes'); INSERT INTO films VALUES ('UA502', 'Bananas', 105, '1971-07-13', 'Comedy', '82 minutes'); ERROR: dn_6003_6004: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "films_pkey" DETAIL: Key (code)...
() File ~/Library/Python/3.9/lib/python/site-packages/langchain/document_loaders/directory.py:105, in DirectoryLoader.load_file(self, item, path, docs, pbar) 103 logger.warning(f"Error loading file {str(item)}: {e}") 104 else: --> 105 raise e 106 finally: 107 if pbar: File ~...
版本号: 1.3.7 问题描述: 部分报表导出pdf报NullPointerException (针对我的项目是最复杂的一个报表导出PDF会出这个问题 相对简单的没有问题可以导出) 错误日志&截图: table的宽度:[F@8ddb563 2021-08-04 16:28:32.104 [http-nio-28298-exec-3] ERROR org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[Tomcat].[loca...
微软错误代码大全.pdf,file:///C|/Documents and Settings/Administrator/桌面/微软错误代码大全.txt[2012-10-16 8:59:03] 1楼 MS Windows Error Messages Code Error Message 0 操作成功完成。 1 功能错误。 2 系统找不到指定的文件。 3 系统找不到指定的路径。 4 系统无法
First, my react-pdf's version is 6.2.2, so I need a pdfjs-dist@2.16.105 in my dependencies. You can check it in package.json of your react-pdf package in node_modules directory. My final code using typescript: import { useState } from 'react' import { Document, Page } from 'rea...