Workarounds for error 105 in Adobe Acrobat Pro? I work in IT Support for my organization. Several users are reporting this error. A screenshot is attached of the error message we are getting when trying to save PDF files. This is happening with several files, not just one, which leads...
Error 105 is often caused by a problem with the PDF viewer or editor that you are using, or by a problem with the PDF file itself. Here are a few things you can try to resolve the issue: Make sure that you are using the latest version of your PDF viewer or editor. Outdated ...
解决方案 1:将“Adobe PDF 打印机”设置为默认打印机 要将“Adobe PDF 打印机”设置为默认打印机,请执行以下操作: 选择“开始”>“设置”>“打印机和传真”(Windows XP) 或“开始”>“设置”>“打印机”(Windows 2000)。 右键单击“Adobe PDF”,然后选择“设置为默认打印机”。 解决方案 2:将 .tsf 数据...
在Adobe Acrobat 或 Acrobat Reader 中打开 PDF 时显示“出现绘图错误”消息。 当PDF 文件的内部结构不正确,导致 Acrobat 或 Acrobat Reader 无法正确显示内容时,会出现此错误。 (在德语中,此错误为“Es ist ein Grafikfehler aufgetreten”。) 解决方案 重新创建 PDF 文件。如果您使用第三方应用程序或插件生成 ...
问题: 从 AutoCAD 打印为 PDF 后,在 Adobe Acrobat 或 Reader 中打开 PDF 文件时,显示以下消息: Adobe 阅读器 打开此文档时出错。文件已损坏,无法修复。 此外,在其他 PDF 查看器(例如 Google Chrome 或 Microsoft Edge)中...
Reason:The error occurs when an already launched instance of Acrobat is busy or in a hang state and you try to perform some operation from outside Acrobat, for example, opening a PDF file by double-clicking. Solution To resolve the problem, try the following solutions in the order they app...
Run-time error '53': File not found: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/MACPDFM/MacPDFM.framework/Versions/A/MacPDFM Can someone help please?Excel Excel A family of Microsoft spreadsheet software with tools for analyzing, charting, and communicating data. 2,175 questions Sign i...
本吧热帖: 1-求助求助求助 2-分享DC acrobat2018-2025安装包【永久使用无需激活】自取 3-acrobat dc破解版提示订阅,怎么办? 4-调整图层位置和大小 5-求大佬解惑,说有mathcad pdsi view support安装不了 6-Acrobat DC 不能打开 Everyth 搜索出来的PDF文件。
Steam Error: 6:0000065432/3:0000065432+一直转圈无法登录+118/105等无法加载页面#steam报错 #steam进不去 #steam加载不出来 #steam游戏 #游戏日常 00:00 / 02:00 连播 清屏 智能 倍速 点赞10 树叶科技2年前清华同方h61h2-cm2开机提示cmos设置错误的维修 00:00 / 09:26 连播 清屏 智能 倍速 点赞2132 ...
After plotting to PDF from AutoCAD, when opening the PDF file in Adobe Acrobat or Reader, the following message is displayed: Adobe Reader There was an error opening this document. The file is damaged and could not be repaired. ...