pdbx对assembly字段操作代码 CIF文件中的assembly字段涵盖了该文件的组装体信息。pdbx软件可以使得在python 脚本中操作这些信息,代码示例如下: _pdbx_struct_assembly import gzip import pdbx from pdbx.reader.PdbxReader import PdbxReader from pdbx.reader.PdbxContainers import DataCategory data = [] with ...
The PDB now provides a key information resource for the structural biology community. A software framework has been developed that supports automation and scalability, and that can adapt to changes in data content and delivery technology, to permit future development. The mmCIF data dictionary and ...
蛋白质结构数据库PDB中,mmCIF格式是___ crystallographic(晶体) information file 的简写。的答案是什么.用刷刷题APP,拍照搜索答疑.刷刷题(shuashuati.com)是专业的大学职业搜题找答案,刷题练习的工具.一键将文档转化为在线题库手机刷题,以提高学习效率,是学习的生产
python-pdbx-doc utilities for PDBx/mmCIF storage model (common documentation) python3-pdbx utilities for PDBx/mmCIF storage model (Python 3)其他与 python-mmcif-pdbx 有关的软件包 完整构建时刻依赖 单独构建时刻依赖 debhelper-compat (= 13) 软件包暂时不可用 dh-python Debian helper tools for...
–>{pdb}_deposited_chemically_distinct_molecules_{view}_image-{size}.png assembly– For each assembly listed in the mmCIF file, create images of the whole assembly, colored by chains and colored by entities. –>{pdb}_assembly_{assembly}_chain_{view}_image-{size}.png ...
E. Bourne in 1993 to translate from the 1992 Protein Data Bank (PDB) format to the then-emerging macromolecular Crystallographic Information File (mmCIF) definition. This new version of pdb2cif translates from all current PDB formats, including the 1992 PDB format and the 1996 PDB Atomic ...
一个典型的PDB条目将包含蛋白质、小分子、离子和水的不同集合的原子坐标。 坐标部分的每个原子都由条目文件中的顺序号、具体的原子名称、所属残基的名称和编号、指定链的单字母代码、其X、Y和Z坐标以及占用和温度系数来识别。 在PDBx/mmCIF格式中,这些信息被存储在_atom_site类别中。下面显示的是条目4HHB的这一...
PDBx/mmCIF Syntax 原文链接:PDBx/mmCIF Syntax (wwpdb.org) mmCIF数据文件和字典中使用的语法来自STAR(Self-defining Text Archive and Retrieval)语法。在其最简单的形式中,mmCIF文件看起来像一个成对的数据项名称和值的集合。例如,在下面这个为单元格常数赋值的例子中,对语法的解释是直接的。
PDBeCIF Documentation PDBeCIF is a package that is used to work with mmCIF formatted files. The package ontains modules for accessing mmCIF data in different ways depending on the type of task required. The first mechanism (while slower) allows users to access ANY mmCIF formatted file and incl...
Stanek D, Mrozek D, Malysiak-Mrozek B (2013) MViewer: visualization of protein molecular structures stored in the PDB, mmCIF and PDBML data formats. In: Kwiecieñ A, Gaj P, Stera P (eds) Computer Networks: 20th International Conference, CN 2013, Lwówek Śląski, Poland, June ...