2024年9月19日,香港中文大学于君团队在Cancer Cell(IF=48.8)在线发表题为“Fusobacterium nucleatumfacilitates anti-PD-1 therapy in microsatellite stable colorectal cancer”的研究论文,该研究表明具核梭杆菌可以促进抗程序性死亡受体1(...
[5]. Gong B, KiyotaniK, Sakata S, et al. Secreted PD-L1 variants mediate resistance to PD-L1blockade therapy in non–small cell lung cancer[J]. Journal of ExperimentalMedicine, 2019, 216(4): 982-1000.[6]. Milhem M,Zakharia Y, Davar D, et al. O85 Durable responses in anti-PD-...
double-blind randomized trial of atezolizumab (atezo) after definitive local therapy vs placebo in patients (pts) with high-risk locally advanced (LA) squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (SCCHN). Cancer Research 20...
[3]Han BH,Chu TQ,Zhong RB,et al.Efficacy and safety of sintilimab with anlotinib as first-line therapy for advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)[EB/OL].WCLC 2019,abstract P1.04-02. 版权说明:本文来自药明康德内容团队,欢迎个人转发至朋友圈,谢绝媒体或机构未经授权以任何形式转载至其他平台。
[2] SUN Y, YU W, GUAN W, et al. Integrated assessment of PD-L1 expression and molecular classification facilitates therapy selection and prognosis prediction in gastric cancer [J]. Cancer Management and Research, 2019. [3] 闫风彩,金木兰, 石峰, et al. PD-1/PD-L1在恶性肿瘤中的表达及研究...
[3].Yu Z, Lennon V A. Mechanism of Intravenous Immune Globulin Therapy in Antibody-Mediated Autoimmune Diseases[J]. The New England Journal of Medicine, 1999, 340(3): 227-228. [4].Brahmer JR, et al. Phase I study of single-agent anti-programmed death-1 (MDX-1106) in refractory ...
4. 过继性免疫治疗(Adoptive Cell Transfer Therapy, ACT)。从肿瘤患者体内分离免疫活性细胞,在体外进行扩增和功能鉴定,然后向患者回输,从而达到直接杀伤肿瘤或激发机体的免疫应答杀伤肿瘤细胞的目的。过继性免疫治疗在晚期黑色素瘤中实现了高达60%的有效率和高度持久的完全应答,在乳腺癌和其他几种肿瘤也观察到令人...
在临床转化研究方面,在基于记忆的过继细胞免疫治疗策略(memory based adoptive cell Therapy, mACT)的基础上,该团队也将进一步完善细胞亚群的分选方案和扩增方案,并与临床研究团队开展临床试验。参考资料:1.Huang, Q., Wu, X., Wang, Z., Chen, X., Wang, L., Lu, Y., ... & Ye, L. (2022)....
但上面的治疗案例其实可以考虑参考。也许治疗的奇迹就可以出现。 参考文献: Xiaoshuo Cheng, et al., Successful Treatment of pMMR MSS IVB Colorectal Cancer Using Anti-VEGF and Anti-PD-1 Therapy in Combination of Gut Microbiota Transplantation: A Case Report,Cureus. 2023 Jul 24;...
神外前沿讯,据山东大学官网报道,3月14日,Cancer Communications杂志(中科院1区Top,IF=20.1)在线发表了“Blocking ITGA5 potentiates the efficacy of anti-PD-1 therapy on glioblastoma by remodeling tumor-associated macrophages”的研究成果。 作者团队