2. Tumeh, P. C. et al. PD-1 blockade induces responses by inhibiting adaptive immune resistance. Nature515, 568–571 (2014).3. Topalian, S. L., Drake, C. G. & Pardoll, D. M. Targeting the PD-1/B7-H1(PD-L1) pathway to activate anti-tumor immunity. Curr. Opin. Immunol.24,...
通过单克隆抗体阻断PD-1介导的抑制性信号,可以在一定程度上逆转CD8+ T细胞耗竭,促进病毒清除或控制肿瘤进展,构成了PD-1免疫检查点阻断疗法(Immune checkpoint blockade, ICB)临床应用的基础。目前,尽管该疗法在系列癌症治疗中取得了较好的效果,但仍然面临很大的挑战:首先,一些恶性程度较高的癌肿,如胰腺癌、脑...
近日,发表在PNAS上的“Tumorcell-intrinsic PD-1 receptor is a tumor suppressor and mediates resistance toPD-1 blockade therapy”文章,发现肿瘤细胞中同时表达PD-1和PD-L1,在缺乏适应性免疫的情况下,PD-1/PD-L1信号轴通过激活其主要的下游信号传导途径,包括AKT和ERK1/2途径,从而抑制肿瘤生长。发现PD-1信号...
2、作者观察到免疫细胞在体外被重新激活的能力可以预测临床反应,并且分析确定肿瘤驻留的T细胞是这种免疫反应的关键组成部分。 荷兰癌症研究所Daniela Thommen教授团队在国际知名期刊Nat Med在线发表题为“An ex vivo tumor fragment platform to dissect response to PD-1 blockade in cancer”的研究论文。PD-1-PD-L1轴...
6月12日,我院邓艳红教授团队在结直肠癌免疫治疗领域的最新研究成果“Remodeling of the immune and stromal cell compartment by PD-1 blockade in mismatch repair-deficient colorectal cancer”(PD-1单抗对错配修复缺陷结直肠癌的免疫和基质细胞重塑)以原创论著的形式在国际顶级肿瘤学期刊Cancer Cell(IF=38.58)...
6月12日,我院邓艳红教授团队在结直肠癌免疫治疗领域的最新研究成果“Remodeling of the immune and stromal cell compartment by PD-1 blockade in mismatch repair-deficient colorectal cancer”(PD-1单抗对错配修复缺陷结直肠癌的免疫和基质细胞重塑)以原创论著的形式在国际顶级肿瘤学期刊Cancer Cell(IF=38.58)正式...
[2]Chamoto K,Hatae R,Honjo T. Current issues and perspectives in PD-1 blockade cancer immunotherapy[J]. Int J Clin Oncol,2020,25:790-800. [3]Hayashi H,Nakagawa K. Combination therapy with PD-1 or PD-L1 inhibito...
Ikbel Achour, Daniel J. Freeman, Robert W. Wilkinson, Yariv Mazor; Design and Efficacy of a Monovalent Bispecific PD-1/CTLA4 Antibody That Enhances CTLA4 Blockade on PD-1+ Activated T Cells. Cancer Discov 1 May 2021; 11 (5): 1100...
[3]Tan Z, Chiu MS, Yang X, et al. Isoformic PD-1-mediated immunosuppression underlies resistance to PD-1 blockade in hepatocellular carcinoma patients[J]. Gut, 2022. DOI:10.1136/gutjnl-2022-327133. [4]Zhou J, Cheung AK, Liu H, et al. Potentiating functional antigen-specific CD8⁺ T...