TMB、MSI在肝癌中数据都很小,不是合适的Bio marker。PD-L1在肿瘤细胞、抗原提呈细胞和其他免疫细胞表面广泛表达。据报道,PD-L1在HCC中的表达普遍较低(约占肿瘤细胞的10%),并且与复发和更短的OS相关。随着近年来由TPS像CPS更为合理的PD-L1表达率的演变,PD-L1作为ICIs治疗效果的预判指标有了更多的合理性。...
2020年,HAN 等[28]分析了40例接受抗PD-1/PD-L1治疗的NSCLC患者血液中TCD8+PD-1+细胞的TCR库,结果显示,治疗前后TCR多样性高的患者平均PFS均显著长于多样性低的患者(治疗前:6.4个月vs 2.5个月;第一次治疗后4~6周:7.2个月vs ...
There are various potential uses for a marker such as TTMV-HPV DNA, noted Hanna. “I actually use HPV DNA as a mechanism to monitor HPV-positive metastatic patients,” he said. “If they clear their DNA or I see the values are decreasing, I will feel more comfortable with an abbrev...
从已经批准的适应症和关键临床研究提供的证据来看,PD-L1的表达是否可以指导临床用药,选择获益人群,结论目前还不一致,这从另外一个侧面提示PD-L1表达还不是一个完美的bio-marker。研究较多的潜在bio-marker 有肿瘤突变负荷(tumor mutation burden, TMB)、微卫星高度不稳定(microsatelliteinstability-high, MSI-H)和错配...
(IgG) production and activation of T cell subsets, as shown by a decrease in the number of memory T cells following B-cell suppression. Zhao et al. established a B cell marker gene score (BCMG score) based on 9 B cell marker genes and revealed that the marker genes were mainly related...
抗CTLA-4单抗的作用机制不断被挑战,PD-1/CTLA-4双抗机制却不断夯实一文中有过整理。也许在肝癌这种异质性很强的癌种上,很难找到合适的Biomarker来进行治疗预测,但也许真的是由于处于耗竭状态的DC上的B7.1靶点被PD-L1给结合,导致T细胞无法由静息状态转变成具有毒杀效果的CD8+ T细胞,而抗PD-L1抗体能够与PD-L1...
[2]Pratt D, Dominah G, Lobel G, et al. Programmed death ligand 1 is a negative prognostic marker in recurrent isocitrate dehydrogenase-wildtype glioblastoma. Neurosurgery. 2019; 85: 280- 289. [3]Han J, Hong Y, Lee YS. PD-L1...
et al. Clinical validation of PBRM1 alterations as a marker of immune checkpoint inhibitor response in renal cell carcinoma. JAMA Oncol. 5, 1631–1633 (2019). Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar McDermott, D. F. et al. Clinical activity and molecular correlates of response to ...
TMB做为免疫治疗了的biomarker出场即不凡,在nivolumab冲击NSCLC一线治疗失败后,迅速接盘PD-L1,让试验数据逆风翻盘,让一项回顾性分析的研究数据受到了全球肿瘤临床专家的瞩目,拉开了属于它的免疫新纪元,后PD-L1时代。 TMB是什么?官方解释是每百万碱基体细胞...
Programmed cell death protein 1/programmed cell death ligand 1 (PD-1/PD-L1) is a negative modulatory signaling pathway for activation of T cell. It is acknowledged that PD-1/PD-L1 axis plays a crucial role in the progression of tumor by altering status o