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Explostion-proof Class: IaII CT4, dII BT4 Advantages: Output available; Low pressure drop; Mechanical display, easy operation; Compact construction, easy maintenance; Flexible installation: Horizontal or vertical. Our other related products:level gauges, flow meters, pressure transmit...
1、Pd催化的需氧氧化反应的简介 OH [Pd]O RR'[O]RR'[Pd]O R [O]R 等倍量无机氧化剂→氧气或空气 Pd的高催化活性在反应中的应用 Pd催化的氧化脱氢所形成的成键反应在杂环化学,药物合成,天然产物的合成有重要意义 2、Pd催化下醇和烯烃的需氧氧化反应 2.1醇的氧化➢Pd(OAc)2/DMSO催化体系➢Pd(OAc...
50 μm.BFlow cytometry analysis of MCF-7/Taxol and HUVECs cells treated with DiI-labeled TPP@PTX-CuTCPP and PP@PTX-CuTCPP for 0.5 h, 1 h, and 2 h, respectively.CMultiple level scan started at the bottom of the spheroid at 2 μm intervals for the penetration of DiI-labeled TPP@...
C38 NaBArF 50 30 1.19 8 1.18 1.57 – 188 [126] a α-diimine Ni and Pd complexes. b activity: × 106 g of PE (mol of M) -1h−1. b' activity: Turnover frequency (TOF) = mol ethylene/(mol cat h), × 104h−1. c ethylene pressure in bar/atm. d determined by GPC, ×...
354216 DYE FLUORESCENT CALCEIN AM 10 X 50UG 10 x 50 µg EA 2697 354217 DYE FLUORESCENT CALCEIN AM 1 MG 1MG EA 5754 354218 DYE FLUORESCENT DII 100MG 100MG EA 2292 354227 LINOLEIC ACID 500MG RT 2.5/500MG EA 733 354230 MATRIGEL MATRIX GFR 10ML DI 10 ML EA 4217 354231 COLLAGEN I BOV...
TThhee rreessuullttiinngg ccoommpplleexxeess wweerree eexxhhaauussttiivveellyy cchhaarraacctteerriizzeedd uussiinngg IIRR aanndd mmuullttiinnuucclleeaarr NNMMRR ssppeeccttrroossccooppyy ((iinncclluuddiinngg ddiiffffeerreenntt22DDNNMMRRtetecchhnniqiquuees)s)asaswwelellal saseleelmemenet...
polymers Article "Living" Polymerization of Ethylene and 1-Hexene Using Novel Binuclear Pd–Diimine Catalysts Jianding Ye and Zhibin Ye * ID Bharti School of Engineering, Laurentian University, Sudbury, ON P3E 2C6, Canada * Correspondence: zye@laurentian.ca; Tel.: +1-705-675-1151 (ext. ...