HLA‐CPCR‐SSPallele‐specific typingRecent evidence indicates that HLA-C molecules are biologically relevant by eliciting T-cell responses and exerting control over NK cell function. In addition, HLA-C is associated with susceptibility to various diseases, notably psoriasis vulgaris. Clarification of ...
因此如果实验人员和实验室符合条 件,PCR是一种快速准确、敏感特异和经济实用的 HLA-B27检测方法。参考文献: [ 1 ] 曹孟德,秦东春,孙含笑主编 . H LA 分子生物学及临床应用 [M] . 郑州:河南医科大学出版社,1998. 203-216. [2] Olerup O. HLA-B27 typing by a group-specific PCR amplifica tion ...
HLA-Dw特异性与HLA-DP特异性可分别通过纯合分型细胞(homozygotetypingcell,HTC)及预致敏淋巴细胞试验(primedlymphocytetest,PLT)检测。二种方法的基本原理均是判断淋巴细胞在识别非已HLA抗原决定簇后发生的增殖反应。由于分型细胞来源困难以及操作手续繁琐,细胞学分型技术下正逐渐淘汰。 三、HLA的DNA分型技术 1. 限制...
HLA-DRB1基因复制器官移植We report a simple and rapid HLA-DRB1 generic typing metbod,PCR-SSP,which is practical and inexpensive.We use 9 sequence-specific primers and 2 group specific primers to define the HLA-DRB1 specificities DR1,DR2,DR3,DR4,DR5,DR6,DR7,DR8,DR9 and DR10. The ...
综上所述,HLA-Ⅰ类基因分型PCR-SSP技术准确、特异,可作为造血干细胞移植配型和正常人群无关供者筛选的常规方法。 【参考文献】 1 Maduigal JA,Arguello R,Scott I,et al.Molecular histocompatibility typing in unrelated donor.one marrow transplantation.Blood Rev,1997,11(5):105-117. ...
Micro SSP Generic HLA Class I DNA Typing Tray Lot 007-Worksheet 热度: HLA 分型(PCR-SBT)法件应用介绍:HLA typing (PCR-SBT) method described application 热度: 计算机知识windows系统:开始--运行--命令大全0421050529第一期 热度: c s洲 Vol。
实用医学杂志991026 组织相容性抗原(HLA)Ⅱ类基因是位于人类第6对染色体短臂远端的一组高度多态的基因,主要包括HLA-DR、DQ、DP三个亚区[1]。骨髓移植现已被接受作为治疗血液系统恶性疾病,骨髓衰竭,某些遗传病及免疫缺陷的手段。对于慢性粒细胞性白血病(CML)患者,继大剂量化疗后采用骨髓移植可使50%~70%病例治愈[...
HLA-DQBl alleles and susceptibility to cervical squamous cell carcinoma in Southern Iranian patients. HLA typing was carried out by PCR amplification using sequence specific primers (PCR-SSP). DRB1, DQA1 and DQB1 typing was performed for 23 patients. ... AS Dehaghani,A Amirzargar,S Farjadian...
Objectives: HLA-B*5701 strongly and specifically predicts susceptibility to abacavir hypersensitivity (ABC HSR), however implementation of routine genetic screening into clinical practice requires that testing be both practical and accurate. We assessed the proficiency of HLA-B*5701 typing among numerous ...
结果:发现引物浓度和浓度比、DNA的纯度及酶的选用,是影响HLA-A位点PCR-SSP分型准确性的重要因素。该方法对37个标本的基因分型结果与血清学结果相符合。结论:PCR-SSP方法具有简便准确的优点,可以作为HLA-A位点分型的一种新途径并推广应用。 A comparison between PCR-SSP genotyping and serotyping for HLA-A ...