NuProbe USA, Houston, TX, USA David Yu Zhang Contributions N.G.X., M.X.W., S.R., and D.Y.Z. conceived the project. N.G.X. performed the NGS experiments. N.G.X., M.X.W., and D.Y.Z. wrote the program for primer design and data analysis. N.G.X., M.X.W., and P...
Results of the assay on 107 and 402 clinical samples from patients with suspected Lyme disease from Houston, Texas or received at the IGeneX laboratory in Palo Alto, California, respectively, were analyzed together with WB findings. The LM-PCR assay was highly specific for B. burgdorferi. In ...
Present address: Nuprobe USA, Houston, TX, USA Authors and Affiliations Department of Bioengineering, Rice University, Houston, TX, USA Dmitriy Khodakov, Jiaming Li, Jinny X. Zhang & David Yu Zhang Department of Systems, Synthetic, and Physical Biology, Rice University, Houston, TX, USA ...
The data reported in this Article were presented, in part, at the European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (Copenhagen, Denmark) in April, 2023, and at ASM Microbe (Houston, TX, USA) in June, 2023. Supplementary Material Download: Download Acrobat PDF file (1MB) ...
(Houston, TX): GAPDH forward primer, ATCTTCCAGGAGCGAGATCC; GAPDH reverse primer, ACCACTGACACGTTGGCAGT; Streptococcus mutans forward primer, GCCTACAGC TCAGAGATGCTATTCT; Streptococcus mutans reverse primer, GCC ATACACCACTCATGAATTGA; Porphyromonas gingivalis forward primer, TACCCATCGTCGCCTTGGT; ...
This study has been performed in accordance with protocols approved by the Institutional Review Board for Human Subject Research at the Baylor College of Medicine (Houston, TX). A total of 26 control DNA samples, six from the Corriel Repository and 20 from individuals >50 years without any RP...
John Maddox recently wrote (Maddox, 1992) that “molecular biology seems well on the way to becoming a largely qualitative science…. It would be a worthwhile precaution against the quantitative days that lie ahead that people should make sure that...
19Steven T. SchuscherebaWalter Reed Army Institute of ResearchBrooks AFBTXUSAPhillip D. BowmanU.S. Army Institute of Surgical ResearchFort Sam HoustonTXUSALaser-Inflicted Eye Injuries: Epidemiology, Prevention, and Treatment
Rapid antigen (RA) tests are being increasingly employed to detect SARS-CoV-2 infections in quarantine and surveillance. Prior research has focused on RT-PCR testing, a single RA test, or generic diagnostic characteristics of RA tests in assessing testin