David W. Russell University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas Excerpted FromMolecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual Third Edition ABSTRACT Quantitative PCR involves co-amplification of two templates: a constant amount of a preparation containing the desired target sequence and varying amounts of...
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas Excerpted FromMolecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual Third Edition ABSTRACT Quantitative PCR involves co-amplification of two templates: a constant amount of a preparation containing the desired target sequence and varying amounts of a reference templa...
1、定量PCR实验技术 Q-PCRQuantitative PCR Joseph SambrookPeter Maccallum Cancer Institute and The University of Melbourne, AustraliaDavid W. RussellUniversity of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, DallasExcerpted From Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual Third EditionABSTRACTQuantitative PCR involves co-amp...
-Jeff SoRelle, MD is a Chief Resident of Pathology at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, TX. His clinical research interests include understanding how the lab intersects with transgender healthcare and improving genetic variant interpretation. Author LablogatoryPosted on Septe...
1 评论次数: 0 文档热度: 文档分类: 待分类 定量PCR实验技术 Q-PCR 发布日期:2006-12-16 热门指数:7760 QuantitativePCR JosephSambrook PeterMaccallumCancerInstituteandTheUniversityofMelbourne,Australia DavidW.Russell UniversityofTexasSouthwesternMedicalCenter,Dallas ExcerptedFromMolecularCloning:ALaboratoryManualThird...
Manual(eds. Sambrook, J. & Russell, D.W.) 8.96–8.016 (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, New York, USA, 2001;http://www.cshlpress.com/link/molclon3.htm). This protocol was provided by Charles P. Landrum (University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, ...