740463.4NucleoSpin® 8 PCR Clean-Up Core Kit48 x 8 Preps* Overview Time-saving cleanup of PCR products Complete removal of primers and primer dimers Optimal recovery Suitable for processing samples under vacuum or by centrifugation Innovative MN Wash Plate minimizes risk of cross-contamination ...
Product Information Brief Protocol: ExoSAP-IT PCR Product Cleanup Brief Protocol 常见问题解答 (FAQ) Yes, as long as the cDNA is in a duplex with RNA. RNase H- (minus) reverse transcriptases, such as SuperScript II/III, are necessary when making cDNA to be cleaned with ExoSAP-IT reagent....
Key features of ExoSAP-IT™ Express reagent:5 minute protocol—Fastest turnaround time to resultsOne-tube, one-step PCR cleanup—Add ExoSAP-IT Express directly to PCR深入閱讀 Have Questions? 联系我们 變更視圖 產品號碼Description 75001.4X.1.ML ExoSAP-IT™ Express PCR Product Clean-up Reagent,...
2 Kit Components... 2 Safety Measures...
GenCatch TM PCR Cleanup Kit 2360050 2360250由上海拜力生物科技有限公司供应,该产品简介:GenCatch TM PCR Cleanup Kit Catalog# size Price Quantity 2360050 50 Preps $45.00 2360250 250 Pre...
上海玉博生物科技有限公司 主要致力于“Roche4983912001High Pure PCR Cleanup Micro Kit 1 kit (up to 200 pur”的生产销售。多年的“Roche4983912001High Pure PCR Cleanup Micro Kit 1 kit (up to 200 pur”生产与销售的经验,与各行业新老用户建立了稳定的合作关系,我
Monarch®PCR & DNA Cleanup Kit Protocol 观看其他视频 产品信息 Monarch PCR & DNA 纯化试剂盒是一款快速可靠的纯化试剂盒,可从 PCR 和其它酶促反应中纯化多达 5 μg 高浓度和高纯度的 DNA。该产品中使用的结合/洗涤/洗脱流程,仅需极短的温育和离心时间。纯化柱可确保零缓冲液残留,零交叉污染,洗脱体积低至...
One kit for PCR cleanup and gel extraction Highly flexible—kit can be used for: Small to large fragments (50 bp to 20 kb) Cleanup from agarose or polyacrylamide gels Low and standard elution volumes—elute in as little as 6 µl (XS), 15 µl (mini), 200 µl (midi), or 1 ...
TheAxyPrepPCRCleanupkitemploysaspecialBindingSolutionincombinationwithanAxyPrep spincolumntoachievehighselectivityandrecoveryofDNAfragments.Thisproductisdesigned topurifyDNAfragments>75bpfromPCRsandotherenzymaticreactions,withanexpected recoveryof70-90%.Eachcolumnhasabindingcapacityofupto8µg.Itisnotnecessarytoremove...
HT ExoSAP-IT High-Throughput PCR Product Cleanup 是 ExoSAP-IT 试剂的另一配方,专为满足高通量、自动化平台和多通道移液器的独特需求而设计。HT ExoSAP-IT 试剂在高温下的使用寿命更长,且进行自动化移液时粘度更低。 与用于 PCR Product Cleanup 的 ExoSAP-IT (PN 78200) 一样,HT ExoSAP-IT 试剂是由 Exo...