ExoSAP-IT™ PCR Product Clean-up 物流信息 常规产品:发货后, 北上广深及省会城市通常为 1-2天,二线城市通常 2-3天,三线以及偏远地区通常 4天,周末以及节假日顺延。 空运受限产品:发货后, 北上广深及省会城市通常为 2-4天,二线城市 通常3-5天,三线以及偏远地区通常 6-10天,周末以及节假日顺延。
ExoSAP-IT™ PCR Product Clean-up Reagent,500 次反应,重组,干冰,去除 PCR 反应中多余的引物和未结合的核苷酸,可与 PCR 纯化配合使用,储存温度为 -5° 至 30°C 物流信息 常规产品:发货后, 北上广深及省会城市通常为 1-2天,二线城市通常 2-3天,三线以及偏远地区通常 4天,周末以及节假日顺延。
DNA Product Quick Clean-up Kit 产品规格: 200T 发货周期: 1~3天 产品价格: 询价 本产品仅可用于科研实验,严禁用于其他非科研用途! 本试剂盒采用新型硅基质膜技术和试剂配方,通过离心吸附柱快速简单的结合-洗涤-洗脱三步即可从PCR产物或酶反应液(酶切,连接,探针标记等)中纯化回收100bp~10kb的DNA片段,每个吸...
Description The SpinPrep PCR Clean-Up Kit is designed for the rapid purification of DNA amplified in PCR. The 10-minute procedure involves addition of a binding buffer followed by adsorption of the DNA to a silica membrane in a spin column format. Following a wash step, the DNA is eluted ...
Cat. #ProductSizeLicenseQuantityDetails 740668.5NucleoSpin® 8 PCR Clean-Up60 x 8 Preps* NucleoSpin 8 PCR Clean-up (60x8) 60x 8 preps for the purification of PCR products - NucleoSpin PCR Clean-up Binding Strips, MN Wash Plates, Racks of Tube Strips, Elution Plates U-bottom, buffers...
NOTE: While the standard cleaning procedure is sufficient to clean Apollo system surfaces for RNA work,the user may wish to use additional decontamination solutions to remove nucleases. As these are known to be corrosive and may damage the system, ensure any nuclease decontamination is immediately ...
specific product of interest. Reference 1. Buros, M. and Betz, N. (2002) Removal of ethidium bromide and calf intestinal alkaline phosphatase using the Wizard ® SV Gel and PCR Clean-Up System. eNotes: .promega/enotes/applications/ap0045_tabs.htm ...
AxyPrep PCR Clean-up Kit;AxyPrep PCR 清洁试剂盒分享给好友: 详细描述 目录号:AP-PCR-250G 品牌:Axygen 试剂盒 规格:盒 目录价:¥1191.00 市场价格:¥893.25 会员价格:¥833.70 到货时间:现货,下单后马上发货 数量:
The FavorPrep™ PCR Clean-Up Mini Kit is designed for cleaning up DNA fragments from PCR product and other enzymatic reactions. With silica-based spin columns and special size-selection buffers, the range of DNA size is between 65 bp~10 kbp; the 20~40 oligonucleotide fragments will be remo...
An overview of PCR cloning, the capture of a PCR product into a vector of interest and how this technique is performed in SnapGene.